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RE: Market Friday - Getting items from or to the market

aw that coment did NOT turn out THIS way in my head.. juust saying ;) LOL
So you wernt allowed to say truck? or didnet as you couldent prenouce it??
Il guess lorry is a english not an american word???
aw thats so great, that you learnt to handel it :D


Ohh I know just when I heard trucks and Lorry in the same sentence it reminded me of that, Yes Lorry isn't often used here so luckily I can say Truck now without it sounding like a swear word LOL

Hi hi, how intressting to go down your remory lane, with this 2 words :)
Goo for the un swear word , truck ;) LOL

It’s funny how a comment can trigger memories
Or as I used to say it phuck lol 😂

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