An Arty Market Friday with @dswigle

in #marketfriday5 years ago (edited)

An Arty Market Friday

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The Vancouver Art Gallery is hosting a French Modernist exhibit. The piece above was one of my two hands-down favorites. The Vineyards at Cagnes was painted by Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) and I think demonstrates the impressionist style at mastery level.


It could be argued the true master of impressionism was Claude Monet. The exhibit is titled from Monet to Matisse; my expectations were high. If you are expecting Water Lilies, don't. The Monet on display is far from his most interesting work. The Monet at the Musée de l'Orangerie literally brought me to tears. I could have easily passed by this work without noticing it if I hadn't been on its hunt.


Monet lovers will be let down but there were still many, many fine examples of French Modernism. To my mind, the show stopper was Portrait of a Lady by Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931). A floor to ceiling canvas, it has the wow-factor missing from the more well-known artists' works currently at VAG.


The placard piece of the exhibit is Madame Boursier and Her Daughter by Berthe Morisot. (1841-1895). Morisot was known for her portrayal of female life. I love her juxtaposition​ of earth and jewel tones. Her mastery of skin representation is also of note. Talk about rosy cheeks

Accompanying From Monet to Matisse is Affinities, Canadian Artists and France. Mostly a collection of skillful derivatives, it is still well-worth a looksy. The Emily Carr (1871-1945) offered were the stand-outs for me. Below is Emily and Lizzie.


All photos of featured works are my own. A big thank you to @dswigle for hosting #marketfriday.


You will get absolutely no argument from me on the Monet. I would just have rather seen the beauty of the water lilies, it has the beautiful light reflecting off the water, making it probably one of my favorite ones that he does. Of course and saying that I have not forgotten that he also did other work.

I cannot believe that I did not finish this comment but I came across an unfinished comment on my phone, which did not show up on my laptop. And of course it's yours because, why the heck not? I am so sorry and I loved this post especially because you put so much time and love into each one that you do and it's noticed. I love art and I love going to the galleries. And I love collecting, of course not in that range but oh, I do love art. For me to Let It Go by that I don't care or that I passed over your post, this is one of the things that I didn't want you to think and I truly apologize for letting my busy schedule interfere with my challenge.

Thank you for such an amazing post, which I rediscovered as i am doing this weeks. You always put out superior quality posts. Always.

And I apologize.

#MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and steemed


You are so sweet, Denise:) Not to worry. Everything is great on my end:) You are so appreciated:)

Beautiful photos, Pryde, and intriguing commentary. An excellent way to spend a Friday

Thank you, John:)

The Orangerie is probably his life's crown jewel. I haven't been there but i've looked at online. I can only imagine it person!

That one by Boldini must be great in person.

Ross, It is just amazing. A memory that will last a lifetime:)

In the Portrait of a Lady I like how the face and eyes break from the rest of the piece.

Yes, it seems the further you get away from her face the more impressionistic the work becomes. Keen eye:)

It's always amazed me how you can look at a 'true' painting up close, and it's almost blurry, or a blob with two eyes, then you back away, and vwaalaah, it pops right out as an image. or in this case, maybe a reversal. Either way, HOW in the world they do that, is SO beyond me.

In my humble experience, it is about light and color. An impressionist sees more of the hues and shades of things. Or at least differentiates hues and shades more. Our brains have a tendency to blend things together to attribute meaning. We do this subconsciously. An impressionist is a deconstructionist They takes the color apart.

That is quite fascinating. Sounds like you have studies a bit of art. I fear their brains and techniques are WAY beyond my capabilities. Though I can surely appreciate what they are doing. Always boggles my mind. I've never studied much art, just enjoyed looking at it. I'm sure there is a whole world out there that would be fascinating, if I delved into it. I've always wanted to take a drawing class, mainly to add things to my Posts. Maybe someday. Until then, doodle away and hope for the best ( :

Not too much. When I was a kid, I used to paint and draw. My first paintings just sort of became impressionistic in nature ... naturally. I had never been exposed too much to art back then outside of school art class. I just remember my mother going, "You know up close they don't look like much ... but at a distance, they are really quite nice." Seemed to be the take of most. And that is how I went about it. I like to look deeply at the color of a thing and deconstruct it. It's a weirdness. Don't ask me to explain. I don't paint or draw much these days. I decided to go into the more lucrative world of poetry ... lol:):):)

Haha! You need to tell me how THAT worked out. Seems nothing pays off unless you are a tad unusual nowadays.

And by unusual, I mean odd.

Haha ... lol. Yes, you need to be different. That is for sure:):):)

I like it some pretty cool art work there :)

Thank, Hangin. The great thing about this exhibit is that everything is in the public domain:)

Certainly is in a great location enjoy at ease :)

Art museums are so fun to explore. I rarely get the chance to visit them so seeing the pictures is really nice. Last time I was at an art museum the lighting, crowds, cases, and restrictions on how close you could get to the artworks, made it tough to get very good pictures. (My camera was not the best either, so that didn't help)

It is nice to look at these paintings and get ideas for how to do different lighting and color effects in digital works.

Thanks, LS. For sure some editing was done on all of these once I got them home. I tried to be true to what my eyes saw in the gallery but memory is what it is. The glass and the dim lighting does not usually transfer well to the digital and little editing can go a long way. The VAG isn't so bad for how close they let you get and depending on when you go it isn't always crowded. I used to go on the pay what you can night and that is a gong-show, but I bit the bullet and bought a membership. It includes both me and my son and mom and two free passes to use any time. I also can bring a guest to all the openings. There was one last night. And on Sundays, they have art projects for the kids. The gallery isn't far from my home and on a raining days, it is a good outing. Plus I got all this material for my steemit:)

Such a cool idea for a market Friday post and lovely works of art

Thanks, Jay:)

Most welcome have a super weekend ;)

There really is nothing quite like seeing the 'real thing', up-close and in person. It's always truly amazing, the color, depth and beauty of original artworks. It's almost indescribable. And I've felt so lucky to see a few shows by different artists. This one looks like it would have been amazing. Always boggles my mind how someone can do that with paint and a brush. Thanks for showing us the view from your visit to the gallery. (I saw the Group of Seven in your neck of the woods years ago, with HH. Mindboggling.)

I've included an Impressionistic piece from an old Post I saw on Steemit, from a local, not-so-famous artist. Couldn't resist.

Nature morte avec Tacoma -Garé
Still Life With Tacoma - Parked

I love it. Who is the artist? I guess the rain is the true impressionist master. Please say 'hi' to HH. I miss her presence on steemit:)They often display the groups of seven and Emily Carr. It is nice when we get to see some works from international​ artists too.

Ha haa, that was Mwaaah. I'll include the link below. Don't like to fill folks comments with "lookatmee's", but it seemed a bit apropos with the discussion of Impressionistic paintings.
I will pass the hello on to HH. She is well, and plans on getting back to Steemit one day soon in the future. She is still Homesteading and eating things on Youtube.
I would love to see more 'real' art than I get the chance these days, Emily Carr would be great. I saw some Dutch Masters in D.C. About fell over looking at the detail in the candlelight. Amazing how true artists make things really shine through from the canvas, as if there is a light in the painting. I think our Group of Seven show was in your fair city, quite a few years' past. We spent HOURS in there.

Link: Wannabe Impressionist Painterlings

I thought it might be yours but I didn't want to presume. I liked this one the best methinks. We get so much rain here, I might see what I can come up with in the future. If you don't mind?


No, I certainly didn't invent the idea. Though I plan to do more in the future myself with it. Like SO many things..."Get in line, ideas, get in line"! O :
Maybe you can give the artist a bit of credit, so they don't think I'm copying you in the future. Then again, few people see what I do, on here, or in the overall world, so it doesn't really matter all that much in the scope of things. So have at it. It is fun to do, though you need a LOT of rain. But that shouldn't be a problem in your part of the world, as you say. Cheers and have a nice night.

Yes, of course. You would for sure get a shout out. Today would have been a perfect day but I forgot. Doh:)

High respects to such beautifully done arts. I think how we appreciate things differs. For someone who knows nothing about art, I can't tell who's how lol!

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