A Stroll Through the Atlanta Christkindl Market {Jolly #MarketFriday}


Happy Friday friends! It's been a while since I have jumped in with @dswigle and friends for a visit for #marketfriday, but an impromptu trip to a local gem gave me just the the thing to share. I teach a corporate fitness class a few days a week here in downtown Atlanta, though I am usually in and out of the city as fast as I can go. You do NOT want to be stuck on the wrong side of traffic. However, after hearing a few people talk about it and having a stunning Fall day on my hands, I decided to walk over to the Christkindl German Market that they have set up right in Centennial Olympic Park for the season. Come enjoy the stroll!


The market is set up with all kinds of booths down multiple rows. Most of it is outdoors, though further down in my post you'll see there was one shop you could actually walk into and look around. I had an idea of some of what I would find, but they really had a little bit of everything! You can check out the website for the Atlanta version here. It looks like they do similar markets all over the place, but all styled after ones they do in Germany (I'm assuming--I've never been, but a girl can dream!). I had lunch waiting for me at home, however I think a big draw is all of the food items. Pretzels, chocolates, pastries, and all kinds of beverages were around every corner. I can imagine those are great when you are visiting on a chilly evening!


If you're not keen on having anything right then, they have plenty of goodies to take with. I was really tempted by some tea, though it was early in my visit and wanted to see what else they had in store first.


Adorable little houses were right across the way. I think my mom would love the round ones that look like they could be the home of a fairy.


More beautiful figures were on the wall just behind the houses. I could probably be there all day and not take in everything to see!


Santa was out on lunch break, too, it would seem. After looking at the website he goes on duty most evenings during the week, but a full day on the weekends. I told some of my girlfriends we may have to go back and bring some of the wee little ones to see the bearded fellow.


Another familiar face during the holidays, this guy was guarding the entrance to the big shop. Oh boy, wait until you see what's inside...


Of course there had to be some beer steins! Prost!


There's Santa! Many sightings of him throughout the shop in figurine and ornament form. Speaking of ornaments...


...and more ornaments...


...still more...


I mean, just stunning, right?


I try not to go crazy with the consumerism of the season, but I adore ornaments as gifts. My grandmother used to give each of us grandchildren an ornament from Hallmark for Christmas every year. Now that I am grown and decorate my own tree I think of her every time I pull one out to put up that she gave me. I even found one with her lovely handwriting addressed to me this year. Even better to hand pick one of these unique ones to gift someone that you can't find at any old store. A good friend brought me back an ornament from their trip to Germany last holiday season that I was happy to place up for the first time this year. I only scratched the surface on these photos because they had soooo many more!

Of course I couldn't leave without buying a few of such gifts. Any guesses who this one might be for? 😊


After feeling a bit under the weather with a lingering cold all week, it was nice to get out on a beautiful day and enjoy the sunshine while walking around the market. I'm hoping to go back with my German friend and a few other gal pals because I might just need a few more of those lovely ornaments before the season is done.

Wishing you all lots of holiday cheer!

Banners by @woman-onthe-wing, @dksart and @bearone for @steemusa


Ahh... Christmas spirit!

The Yule season is real magic!

Totally agree! :)

Thanks for share your Friday experience

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Thanks for popping by to check it out. :)

That's a cute market but holy Christmas! I want some of that matcha tea. Never heard of it before. Sounds interesting.

But your right. Lot's of christmas happening there!

Haha, it really was a total Christmas explosion! I'm sure at night it's even more festive with all the lights up and entertainment going. I think it would be kind of fun to visit in the evening, but I also don't love crowds so this visit was totally my speed. I'm sure they had a few fox ornaments in there. I'll have to go back again and really look. ;)

multi color view and beautiful market journey

All the colors of the rainbow in all of that joyful scenery. Thanks for taking a stroll through it with me. :)

Are you kidding me? What a fairy 🧚‍♀️ village you got there! And those ornaments! I would go crazy in that place. The owls are adorable. Awww 😍

Isn't it all so lovely? You can't walk through a place like that and not catch some of that fun spirit. Well, maybe if it was really crowded, but I went at a nice quiet time. My niece and I both love owls, and pink is her favorite color so I couldn't help but get that ornament for her!

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This market really looks amazing with all the ornaments!! Strangely enough I also visited a German market, but it was completely different.

They really were stunning! I'll have to come check out the one that you went to, as well! Fun to see the variations all across the globe. :)

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Holy cannoli, Batman! That's such an amazing market, @plantstoplanks! I was lucky enough to visit Germany briefly in high school, and the vibe of this Christkindl Market brought back wicked fond memories. I would've lost my brain looking at all those ornaments - I want them all! And I bet your adorable little niece is going to love that ornament (if that's... WHO... it's for).

Of course that's "WHO" is getting the ornament. ;) I couldn't resist. I have some friends who went to Germany last year (the husband's dad was in the army so he spent a lot of his childhood in Germany) over Christmas, so they said they can't wait to go to this market to relive some of those memories. Such a fun spot, so I'm glad I was able to pop over! Definitely have my eyes set on a few more of those ornaments once I nail down the rest of my shopping list for the season...

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