A Happy Friday to all!steemCreated with Sketch.

Greetings to all, it is very hot over here, but come and join us for some fun!

We visited a local market at the Lourensford estate and had a lovely time. I wanted to share some of the occasion with everyone. Hope you like it!
Let's have a look!

As you can see, it's a very lively place!

The waving guy is Amir and they make the best lamb meals in town!

Friendly people and great service!

An original "VW Combi" used to cart lollies and other candy!

Parents bring their kids to play at the fountains!

Here I got lucky to catch the stream of water bouncing off her chest and passing over her shoulder!

There's much to do at the market, but after a great meal many decide to sit and listen to the live music. Beer is in overflow and the party gets happier as time goes on. Anyone is welcome and many families with their pets come to enjoy the day over here in the open air, Nature of course contributes with her surrounding beauty, lending a natural feel to the festivities. We had a great time.

We hope you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone



Looks liek such a beautiful day all be it hot, I got stuck on the lamb, I so want lamb again soon my favorite meal, but of course I am picky i want NZ lamb LOL

Have a good weekend

Did you know that Whole Foods ONLY carries NZ lamb?? Check them out if you haven't already! @tattoodjay

No I didnt know that i will for sure check them out very soon:)

You want to make it a life mission to taste Karoo Lamb JJ. Organic, semi desert and they forage and feed on indigenous, herby bushes and grass in the arid Karoo veld area that creates a special flavor in the soft meat. Blessings!

I just went and read up about it, sure sounds like soemhting i would love to try someday

What a fun place and looks like there are so many food options to choose from. I noticed Shakey's oasis, here in our country we have a popular pizza parlor called Shakey's. It made me check again as I thought they have it there. Anyway that purple shake that they have looks tempting. Thanks for sharing your Friday!

We have Shakey's too!!!! Who would have thought!!!

Its cool.. The last picture, what the cute baby think ?

Thank you my friend. It is anyone's guess what the baby was thinking. Maybe she thought that the earth was doing a wee-wee upside down hahaha.

Hahahha... We have the same thought. Haha.

Looks like a good time to be had by all... :) We're having many hot days here as well, not into the 40s, but usually 31-32C... with high humidity, nights are like 27C. Cute kids and doggy - its tongue hanging out shows how hot it is... :)

Thank you my friend! It's the hot nights that get me, as I struggle to sleep in the heat. We also had a mosquito problem, as we have to keep the window in our bedroom open, but it is solved now, as I made an insect screen. Thankfully no more mosquitos! Blessings and drink plenty liquids!

We have regular fogging around the neighbourhood for the moskies... also because of regular cases of dengue and now, a few break-outs of chikungunya... Insect screens would help.... we like leaving the windows open too

Well, I bought a sheet of moskie netting, then I framed it according to the window size and I stuck it at the inside of the window! We now sleep peacefully with the window permanently open!

Love Lourensford market, used to be a weekly pilgrimage for me :)

Why no more? They still have live music there my friend. This week Sunday (tomorrow), we are popping over to the famous Spier wine estate with a picnic basket and we plan to also visit their Eagle rehabilitation centre!

My friend used to be the brewer at ABru and my cousin studied there. Neither are there anymore and work is keeping me busy so it kind of just stopped being an option.

Thank you for being part of #MarketFriday by @dswigle, Stephen!

I am always happy to see you posting in the tag. A wonderful Friday it looks to be! I love the little dog in the first picture! It sure looks like a scorcher there!

Thank you for taking the time and effort to post in the tag, and if you have time, could you drop the link in my #MarketFriday comment section? Thank you!

Upped and Steemed


Thank you for the like and the kindness Lady Denise! How would I drop the link in your comments section? In which post? One of your latest posts? Blessings!
Any case, I dropped the link in the post "Denise does Barbados"

Thank you! You did it perfectly!

🎁 Hi @papilloncharity! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Market Friday Checks Out Barbados Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Great friday!
Thank you for sharing the positive.
The first photo with a cute dog immediately caused a wide smile. :)

Children out enjoying the fountains such a happy time, great shots. Old V-Dub can detour up here with some of that lamb, we will never turn them around. Thanks for sharing your outing, yes hot summer days here as well Stephen.

Your pooch looks like he's feeling the heat with his tongue hanging right out! What a cutie!
Pleasant looking market you have there - Thanks for sharing!

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