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RE: Market Friday Goes to Bonaire

in #marketfriday6 years ago (edited)

OMG That is exactly what I thought of when I saw this LOL. It does have a bit of snark to it hehehe. Of course it was just a picture from the post and I couldn't very well send a winter scene from my bedroom as that would just be silly!

Oh! I wish I could hear it. I always loved that one. I could send you a taste of it a cappella again. You remember that, Sunshine? You know it is so lonesome in the old doghouse, you could at least say hi ;P

BTW You have my name wrong again on your sepia post... Just sayin :P


Hi, Paul! I have your name wrong? I'll check it out. Thanks!

Yes. A touch of snark. How appropriate. :))

Ah. That is soo sad. A hello - goodbye then :(

Cya Sunshine.

Thanks! I changed it. I must have been in a rush!

No worries. I was just trying to get you to talk. You know you won't be using it much anymore, so best get it right lol. You can always call me Mike, if you want to ;) I guess the old salmon better just give up. I left you a last message. I was always your biggest fan. You know it's true ;)

Whatchu talking about Willis? @old-guy-photos

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