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RE: Market Friday St Paddy's Style

Oh no, here I thought you would know!!! Next week I will try to remember to look on the bottom for the name

I think I may break with tradition and have to go with steaks. You know I ordered that beef and I have to clear out all the older before the new comes in.

Well cheap can certainly be fun. Some of my favorite times involved Lambrusco lol!

Yes it has been a pretty good weekend so far Princess. I have been very productive. I shaved and showered :)


No, I have seen them, but, I do not remember what they are. Who knew my memory would go that way?

Steak on St. Patrick Day seems fine. Even good if they are cooked well, a little garlic butter soothed over them as they are being grilled or broiled! Yes, waste not, want not, you know what they say!

Cheap is okay... Cheap and easy? Hmmmm. Won't go there. Glad to see you are ahead of the schedule. Shaved and showered?

Mazel tov!

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