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RE: Falling into Market Friday

in #marketfriday6 years ago (edited)

The colors in each of the photos is superb! Say, do you mind sharing a few pieces of candy corn??

Any store with a "Hey Yall" sign is a cool store!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh come on now! You have the best eye for decorating of anyone I know of!! Always so modest, you! Taking this home with me, always.


Candy corn?? Of course, you can! You do realize they are from last year, right? I wanted to be right up front about that! But, you can have as many as you want. Just don't let the diet Nazi see you!

Are you sure it says Hey Yall? I need to go back and look! They are not y'all kind of people. but, stranger things have happened. Why thank you! I never think about how my decorating is, I do it for me most of the time, and have very few requirements except that it be pretty. ;) Thank you for taking it with you! and for also posting to the #MarketFriday challenge! Always appreciated!

The diet Nazi My fave coach can't say too much coz she has a mouthful of them as well lol.

Well did you check the photo? Was I right? Sure looks to be Hey Yall to me ;). Don't worry you can pay me off in fruitcakes for my prize :p

You know the pleasure is always mine, milady.

Look again!

It even has the apostrphe for "y'all" OMG, you are just joking right? What do you think it says??? Maybe I have had a stroke and can no longer read cursive I dont know?!?

You are right.

Maybe that will win me a fruitcake???? ;-D

That will win you an apolgy.They are free.

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