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RE: Market Friday

in #marketfriday6 years ago (edited)

Hey did somebody say eggnog?!?

I was going to guess an hour glass. I have not idea was like I saw it before, in a vision maybe ;) Wait, did you really ever count the number of grains in an hour glass. Can you be sure there is so many. Maybe it just looks like that ?!? Oh listen to me being silly! I always need some extra help on the brain teasers lol.

Oh my, I love Dickens A Christmas Carol What a tale of redemption. Just love it.

This post is just full of beauty! Just beauty overload. Like being at the art museum, it is hard to take it all in.

No one can do Christmas quite like you Sunshine! Fabulous post indeed!


Eggnog AND brandy. I did say brandy, didn't I? Nope! Sorry! More for me!

I thought that was a hard Brain Teaser. Well, a little hard anyway. I didn't get it when I first saw it. Who doesn't love the Christmas Carol!! Right? It is overload. Probably because it is 3am and I am just posting it and you are being nice because it is 3am and you are commenting on it. :)

Just a thought. Thank you!! You are way too kind! You always leave me such nice comments. Well, I am off to bed and I hope you have an awesome day! And I hope you get some rest tonight!


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