
Eating does look rather divine on the boat...and I'm sure we would still find a way to have fun, even in the brig. Maybe teaching them songs like The Flintstones, or 99 Bottles of Beer On The Wall. Oh, what cutting edge scofflaws we is...

Oh my God! I would be delighted to have you throwing into the mix of things. I Can Only Imagine breaking you out and how much fun you would have. I promise you I would push you down the big slide where you would be screaming like a little girl all the way down. I'm only kidding. You probably wouldn't be screaming but laughing in Delight.

I can see that your coworker and you plan for a takeover of the dining room. I think that you would be better off if you just slid into one of the chairs and just let them serve you. It's an all you can eat whatever you want to eat kind of place. I didn't like the menu one night and so they brought me prime rib and lobster tail along with a side of veggies I like the way they think.

Thank you for stopping by and for the delightful visit. You are always a hoot and a holler to have around.


I'm pretty sure we could get into a whole lot of trouble of fun. Though all that eating would no doubt slow me down in the shenanigan department. Can't imagine all you can eat every 6 hours. What a joy. I've always thought that if OGP and I lived in the same area of the world, we could have a whole lot of fun. He is a real hoot. As are you, I always enjoy your discussions as well. (And as for screaming like a little girl, you are probably right 'on' that one.)

Actually, in all honesty, you can eat 24/7 if you want it. I have to run away from the food because otherwise they keep serving you and keep serving you. Truly they do.

I am sure that you and the old guy could be a boatload of fun and I honestly enjoy every single one of your post and comments. To my dismay, I miss so many of your posts and by the time I get around to reading them they are over and I cannot vote. But I think that I will be staying home and abandoning vacation for a little while. So so, now I'm waiting for you to write again just so I can come over and pester you.

Oh yes, you two are a real Hoot and Holler.

But we'd have a monkeybarrel of fun, before we got tossed. All that food, just imagine. I certainly wouldn't step a toe in the pool though, I'd sink for sure. But what a way to go ( :

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