
Many companies (energy, telecoms, insurance, banks) rely on apathetic customers. SSE is a French owned company with no interest in providing basic (ie what everyone should expect and have) services. They are interested in taking surpluses out of the UK and using it subsidise services in France, where energy is regulated differently.
Bulb sounds good and I wish it every success, but one of the problems smaller providers have is securing investment to maintain their activities in the future. I joined co-operative energy and the phone co-op, where customers have the opportunity to become members and co-owners of the companies. Both of them have had to merge to create a more sustainable future.
I always challenge prices anyway - sometimes easier or more convenient then switching.
Good luck and thanks for opening the discussion :)

You are right @shanibeer all of the UK's utilities and transport services are now owned by European governments who subsidise their populations by extracting excess profits from UK suckers.
Apathy and ignorance of the UK public makes them easy to rule and manipulate.

The switch took literally 2 minutes. People still think it is a mission to do. This is the propaganda that people have been led to believe.
It's just not true.

That's interesting @molometer. Moneysavingexpert is my go to site for such things.

I've been in the energy saving club for some time now but I'm not very good at taking action. So much else to do!

I have an email from them a while back saying there were better offers waiting for me but I haven't had the chance to look at them yet.

It's not going to happen anytime soon either as I'm away form home for 10 days.

I've switched a couple of times already. Same with broadband providers and Bank Accounts but it all gets a bit tedious.

I wished it saved me enough money so that I could pay someone else to manage all this sort of stuff for me. It's like pulling teeth to me!

It's the first time I've switched anything! When I saw the new tariffs from SSE I thought I'd just check it out.
£400+ is a massive saving. Almost a third cheaper!
I'll let you know how it goes.

This is great! I have made a few switches along the way, but. for the most part had become complacent in the last few years. In the last few years, I have switched phone carriers, cable companies and internet carriers among other things.

It pays to shop around. Also, I have found sometimes the deals were not deals, so I am very interested to see if yours ends up saving you. On the surface, it looks like a no-brainer.

Let us know! ;)

Please leave the link to your post in my comment section so it can easily be found by others. They will all be in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you! ❤

We will see if it pans out. What is really of interest to me is this question:-

How can there be such a huge difference in prices for the same 'product' travelling down the same infrastructure?

Oh, hello? That is what competition is all about. Some are willing to make less profit to sell to more people. This way, they make more in the end game. Presumably.

Do you have a free market in Washington. Do you have the option to buy from a totally renewable energy supplier?
I'm not totally up to date or familiar with the US energy market but from what others are saying here, it seems your market is being manipulated by vested interests? @dswigle
Sell it cheap and corner the market is a valid approach. To have it from renewables is amazing. Don't you think?

Not a level playing field when you have a fossil fuel oligopoly.

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it is such a nice weekend with the market here @molometer

They don’t have anything like this in the States. All the so-called energy saving inducements with our power companies are still centered around increasing the “efficiency” of fossil fuel produce energy. In fact, the mendacious regime here is actively working AGAINST green-energy initiatives – even though that sector is the highest job creating sector and fastest growing in our economy. [smh] The conservative right is putting out all manner of propaganda purporting to debunk climate science as well as the value of renewable resource energy and industry.

I'm a little shocked that in the land of 'free enterprise' you don't have a competitive market place where you can select the optimum energy supplier.

We have had this in the UK for years but this is the first time that I have come across an energy supplier that uses 100% renewable sources for domestic users. And at a third of the price of fossil fuel suppliers!?

"the mendacious regime here is actively working AGAINST green-energy initiatives"

David Cameron (ex prime minister) cancelled all the green energy policies here too but somehow the market is growing faster now. The people are voting with their cash.

@molometer, it’s really bad here. Our democratic institutions are breaking down, being destroyed by the people put in charge by that intellectually addlepated, flaming nincomnomnipoop-in-chief. The republicans will not move to counter the daily assault on our ideals and institutions by their orange nightmare. As long as he passes the legislation they’ve wanted for decades, they are willing to pucker up to his bloated orange sphincter-faced lunacy.

And, among the policies and legislation they want are to end safety-net systems, kill universal healthcare, drastically cut and privatize Social Security and medicare, outlaw abortion, kill immigration, and kill globalization. They actually seem to want the isolation that his kind of protectionism will create.

Republicans are not only anti-climate science, they are anti-facts period. They are led by a morally bankrupt, capricious and cruel abomination of a leader who is more mob boss than POTUS. They have the majority in government and have gerrymandered the voting districts to make it as near to impossible as they were able for anyone else to be elected; they have only about 40% of the US population supporting the party and their reprobate POTUS, but hold a super majority in Congress – that’s how thoroughly they’ve suppressed the democrat and progressive votes. They’re making policy and passing legislation without evidence based reasoning. Everything they do is in service to the NRA and corporatists and theocrats. We are literally seeing the imposition of their Dominionist vision to supplant democracy for a theocratic corporate feudal state.

This is very good to increase competition and lower prices. I wish you success with the new distributor.

Thank's @bluemoon for the consumer this competition is good as it is totally from renewable energy and we can vote with our choices to cut out the use of these destructive fossil fuels. We only have one planet. We all need to do what we can to support and protect it.

I agree with you 100% about the green energy. I would also like to be able to choose a green energy distributor.

Wow! That's a huge savings! Hopefully it is for real!!! 😊

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