MarketFriday - initiated by @dswigle - MBK Shopping Mall in Bangkok !!

in #marketfriday6 years ago (edited)

In @marketfriday initiated by our lovely @dswigle i have introduced to you many shopping malls and each one have there own features but this shopping mall has beyond that each floor is designed for it's own purpose and what i mean by that is you will find one floor has all the clothing stores another floor will be just lined up with shop after shop with every mobile brand of phone you can think of but today i am just going to show you one floor that has just about any camera style or brand you may desire.




The MBK Shopping Center is also known as Mahboonkrong it's a eight story mall with about 2,000 shops and believe me i have been there many times and i still haven't covered it all i always seem to get my self lost in there. The mall is accessible by BTS Skytrain from many station around the CBS that will drop you virtually at the front door which is the easiest and quickers way of getting avoiding all that Bangkok traffic.



I would have to say that the MBK Center in Bangkok is the most legendary and popular shopping mall amongst tourist and locals i don't think there is a soul out there that doesn't know about this Mall it just has everything and anything that you may desire from fashion accessories, handbags, leather products , stationary , DVDs , luggage , electric appliances , mobile phones , cameras , restaurants and the list goes on and on but i am only going to show you the camera floor for now part 2 will follow with the mobile phone floor.





Myself i never dare to enter this shopping mall on the weekends as there are bargains galore to be had on weekend sales and the free air conditioning this eight story building has about 90,000 square meters of space to offer and becomes like a nesting of beehives on the weekends so i stick to the early week shopping if i need to go there.





So this 5th Floor the Camera Floor that i always seem to by- pass not on purpose just no time to really stop and have a good look , well the other day i had the excuse to visit this floor as one of my cameras needed some attention and it gave me the perfect opportunity to have a browse around and i have to tell you it was like been a little kid in a chocolate factory.






The dollars sitting in them windows is insane from Telescopic lenses , high tech cameras to antique cameras it was just mind blowing i am sure with some of them cameras you would need a university degree to operate them. I have never ever seen to many beautiful cameras never even thought so many models existed i only wanted one.





You got to excuse the quality of some of these photos i could only photography them from outside the shops because inside the shop they were locked behind glass windows plus i would of not be able to capture the cameras front on. So here i was with my little pocket camera taking photos of all these high tech cameras i was actually feeling embarrassed.







This Nikon 100th Anniversary Pin Collection i though was pretty neat at the cost of about $350 US dollars would be worth a bit in years to come and myself i will have to wait till SBD gets higher before i can dream of updated to one of those fancy cameras.






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Oh my God! I kid you not I can guarantee you that I have never in my life never seen anything so amazing. I'm not lying to you.

First of all the traffic Rivals anything that I have ever seen. And I worked in New York City for years. I would be taking the subway there too or the SkyTrain. The building itself is phenomenal. From the outside it looks like I'm going into a futuristic tourist trap.

Then I get inside.

Hands down, I have never seen anything like it in my life. I mean, this is all cameras and lenses period and lenses and lenses and lenses and lenses and lenses.

And then, there are more lenses.

Again I repeat, I have never seen anything like this in my entire life period a whole floor dedicated to lenses and cameras and equipment? I did not know that they made this many cameras and lenses and lenses and lenses and lenses. You know what I mean. I think I actually drooled a little bit. I would not be able to go there. I'm serious I walked by big camera and Jay camera and then big camera ... wow!

The Nikon store was unlike any I have ever seen in my entire life. The size of those lenses was amazing and there were so many of them. Am I repeating myself? Probably because I could not believe it. Oh my God that's all I could say. I'll tell you what though as huge as that Nikon store was, my heart really belonged to...


I love Nikon but Cannon has my heart. I would not be able to walk by that store. Did you see the size of those telescopic lenses? I have the 700mm and I thought that that boy was huge but, dear Lord what in God's name would I be photographing with that? Besides the galaxy in the Moon. You have literally outdone yourself. I'm not sure where you can go from here because this was the ultimate shopping trip.

You totally rock, my friend.

If I'm good, do you think we can go back next week?

Thanks for being patient with me and I already steamed this and voted but I want you to know that this deserves an extra tip.

Tip! .2

WOW.....Wait a minute how do i reply to this it's not a comment it's a book i was giggling all the way through reading this so funny i am absolutely GODSMACKED and shocked that you haven't seen anything like this and i am still giggling but they do say MBK Mall is well know around the world for cameras and mobile phones but i got to agree with you i haven't seen this sort of set up anywhere else in the world till i saw it here in Thailand.

And like you i didn't know there were so many makes and models of cameras and lenses i would be happy just with one camera and a decent lens. I noticed those huge lenses were for naval use i suppose to keep a eye on there enemy which would make senses.

I really thoroughly enjoy walking through this shopping mall it's so educational but unfortunately you need a university degree to operate some of that equipment. Wait to i bring you the entire mobile phone floor. Stay tuned for the next @marketfriday.

And thank you for the awesome comment it was worth waiting for you made my day :)

I always wait for yours until I get time to dissect it. They are always amazing posts and deserve at the very least a proper response. And I am slow! :)

Such kind words thank you so much me leave the best to last so you can enjoy every :)

The cameras are awesome! My eyes went big seeing those lenses!!! Wow. Just wow! 😍

Thanks @gingbabida i was as amazed as you my eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing :)

I will take a couple of those lenses!! Great camera shop!

Amazing shops could easily get lost in some of those lenses that's for sure :)

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