MarketFriday - initiated by @dswigle - Banquet Dinner in Bangkok City !!

in #marketfriday5 years ago

Hi everyone here we are back for another #marketfriday initiated by the lovely @dswigle and it's Friday again and this Friday was a special dinner night with all our work colleagues something the boss does every year for all of us just to get to know each other better and meet other workers from his other offices.






This particular open buffet restaurant is one place that is suited for all of us it's a large open area with small live entertainment band not loud by any means just comfortable enough to be able to hear yourself talk.





The other great advantage of this open buffet restaurant is that they have the foods to carter food everyone so no one is left disappointed whether it will be Western , Thai or Japanese it's a great variety and all superb quality.






Lots of ways that you were able to eat fresh seafood weather it was spaghetti seafood , Som Tam spicy with papaya and crab or prawns the Thai's favorite dish or simply BBQ with a bit chili lemon sauce sprinkled on top or fresh oysters with a few added ingredients.






The Japanese Sushi just WoW every one of them melted in the mouth.




The fried fish pieces with variety of sauces and garlic bread just yummy.



This is one of favorites the roast duck with ginger sauce and green noodles.



The simple Thai soup with chicken or duck is also very tastey with the ingredients they put in the soup.


Of course there is always got to be the deserts and the fruits if you have any room left that is but there is no limit of time so you don't need to rush yourself. The Thai mango sticky rice is everyone's favorite desert here in Thailand an must if you are ever in Thailand it's just sensational and not to mention also a sensational night with old work colleagues and new work colleagues and every year has been a blast.








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Thank you @anggreklestari for dropping by i will look more into #tasteem it will be my pleasure to share what i can :)

Fabulous selection of dishes! So nice to have dinner with your mates from work.

It was just superb my friend so many goodies to eat :)

That looks great! Any idea on the price in US dollars?

If i had another stomach i would of been filling that up also everything was just superb. The cost was 45US per person all you could eat a bargain :)

wow that spread looks amazing sir hangin! I bet you ate and ate didn't you? lol. Does sushi taste good? I've never had it.

Nothing was stopping me it was all to hard to refuse and the sushi if fresh just melts in your mouth like eating salmon but better very healthy for you :)

howdy again sir hangin! oh that sushi stuff sounds interesting. Gotta try that sometime.

It is some of the best high grade fish you can eat in the whole :)

wow that's a strong statement, I believe you and no wonder it tastes so good!

If you don't try you never know as they say :)

I didn't comment on any posts last week, but, this one was still available to comment on...

Without spending all night on it, because I could easily do that, I want you to know that this is one of the most fabulous posts EVER. The food is mouthwateringly delicious and OMG.

Are you trying to kill me? These are amazing! I will be back later to drool more.

It was already upvoted and I just steemed it


This was one fabulous night with all work colleagues and i often take all my friends there such good value and like you said all the foods are just mouth watering you just want to keep :) painful looking at it without been able to eat it...haha :)

And thanks for your upvote and resteem my friend :)

It's always a pleasure!

Cheers :)

🎁 Hi @hangin! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Market Friday Goes Royal Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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Thank you @dswigle and @tipU :)

What a choice of delicious food!
Great post...Steem on :)

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Thank you @jcsteem and thanks for dropping by :)

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