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RE: My Neighborhood Market On A Lockdown Afternoon - A Market Friday Entry

in #marketfriday4 years ago

That was an excellent post, in my opinion. It really gives a sense on how other countries are getting on with the social distancing and keeping the self quarantining going. I know everything has been difficult at best.

People are living paycheck to paycheck. What will happen when the money runs out? Will there be looting? Will families help out? It has really gotten bad when the businesses all close up.

I do like the way your local police are handling it, even if people are not always listening, crowd fever may make them obedient.

You didn't get the tuna, did you?

Thank you again! You always pull off an interesting and very thoughtful post for #MarketFriday! Thank you!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and Steemed

!tip .20


Thank you for your comment. They are very much appreciated.

Yes, these are indeed difficult times. Our government is supporting those who are severely affected with the suspension of work by giving out cash and food. Other big companies are also doing their share in helping those less fortunate ones. It is so heart-warming to realize just how almost everyone is doing what they can to help others. At least this is one positive thing the COVID-19 has brought out.

Meanwhile, back to the post. No, I did not buy the tuna. A bit too pricey at 5 US Dollars a pound :) As I said it is my pleasure to be contributing to #marketfriday. Hoping to continue sharing in the months, no make that years, to come.

Thanks too for the token. It's not the amount but the gesture that counts :)

I am happy to see you doing #MarketFriday. The different cultures come together on Friday and present theirs. It has been an amazing few years watching and learning about different parts of the world that I have never been to and even if I have, not in a local manner.

It is different and has been awesome.

Thank you again! The tipu is not a token. The money goes right into your wallet in real-time. I actually vote each post, as much as my power will allow, which is why I also add a tip.

Thanks again and I hope you have a most wonderful week!

All those years I have been missing out on #MarketFriday. But as the saying goes, "Better late than never."

Have a blessed weekend @dswigle!

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