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RE: Market Friday and the Other Side of the Garden Shop

in #marketfriday5 years ago (edited)

Isn't it wonderful!? It's actually a family-owned business and they do so well they keep their family and the extended family busy! I do spend way too much time there moseying around and taking in their creative ideas!

Three months ago I wanted that gnome and I put it off, fully knowing that I didn't need to be adding any more items to my household. You get to a point where enough is enough and any more would just make it look like too much. Anyway, long story short, I broke a rather old birdbath. It's one of four that I have as I put them in the gardens and under a tree and wherever I think of bird might want one. and no, I am not the crazy bird lady! I just like the look of birdbaths. LOL

I used to be way too busy to remember to take pictures but I actually do go shopping now just to take pictures on some because I found that I can use them for more than one thing and it helps me build up my supply of generic pictures. I'm not a huge Shopper either but I have opened up the gates to flexibility and what my car shopping. You would rather be dancing? I am sure there was some way you could make a Market Friday out of that. do you go someplace it's free? Do you do it at home? Do you pay for drinks when you go? I just know there's away. Of course, when I said I'll be beautiful some other day what I meant was I will use their products another day I just did not have time! I want to thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello and leaving always kind words behind. Someday, when the time is right you will have a market Friday and up until then I hope that you come over and enjoy the rest of them! I am also very glad to have come across you! As always I wish you a most wonderful weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and steemed



You know I CAN make a market friday out of dancing! I can do that tonight too! I just have to remember to take some shots. I'm going to put a notification in my phone so I don't forget. Thanks for the idea!

then take your time and put it together and put it in next week! That will be awesome and I look forward to it next week! If you're in a big rush you can put it in tomorrow but I think I would wait so you can enjoy and take your time with it. Good luck

#MarketFriday loves you!!!

yes next week. I've already spent hours on a wewrite today. It's a good thing I like the dang thing! I try to keep the time I spend on steem to under a couple few hours, but today, well, today I have done little else! Oh I have cooked, and cleaned, and laundried and made a couple of necessary blech phone calls but I haven't had any time to sing or dance or even go for a walk.

Yes!!! For sure! It can be a real time suck, even though I love to steem, I have to limit myself!

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