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RE: Pony Auction on Market Friday

in #marketfriday5 years ago

I am so glad that you love this! It is such a fun thing and I hope someday you get to be a part of it! When I bought Henry oh, I actually did not dream that I was going to be going home with a pony. But once I started looking at them I couldn't believe that I wasn't going to go home with one. So it was really kind of funny the way we ended up with him but he is a darling and we absolutely adore him. He rides tirelessly he jumps and he is just a good old boy. So I have one more installment of when they go riding back into the sunset. Which I will probably do 4 Beautiful Sunday. As always my dear oh, I wish you a most wonderful night!

#MarketFriday loves you!



Sounds like a wonderful story. I know the unimaginable feeling of not going home without one. Looking forward to Sunday.
I may be doing a #marketfriday post soon. I'm going shopping for an electric bike in the next couple of weeks.

Omg! I know someone who has one and loves it! I will be excited to hear your take on it.

Its funny. My aunt rased thourobreds and i rode hers, never dreaming i would have one.:)

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