Market Friday in Malta

in #marketfriday5 years ago

Beautiful old and new door knockers in different figures are located at the entrance doors in the old towns of Malta.
In the past they had no electric door bells, they called or clapped with their fingers. But already in the Middle Ages were invented the door knockers in different variations.


Schöne alte und neue Türklopfer in verschiedenen Figuren befinden sich an den Eingangstüren in den Altstädten von Malta.
Früher hatten sie keine elektrischen Türklingeln, sie riefen oder klopften mit den Fingern. Aber schon im Mittelalter wurden die Türklopfer in verschiedenen Variationen erfunden.





A big thanks to the @dswigle for being this nice Market Friday host!

I hope you enjoy it. Best wishes, have a nice weekend!


These were such remarkable pieces of art for your door, no? I love the days of 'yore - the beautiful door knockers that were selected to mean something about you or your house (or not!) but, it was a different, more interesting time for doors in general.

Thank you for taking the time and pictures to go with it for the #MarketFriday challenge!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and Steemed

Thank you so much @dswigle for your lovely comment. Absolutely a door knocker catches your eye immediately, so much is sure and the front door reflects the character of this house.

I totally agree with you on that! Have a great day!

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