Davy Crockett and the Antidote to the Globalist Agenda.

in #market6 years ago (edited)

In this report I cover the early market action from London on Friday, June 29th, 2018. I look briefly over the precious metals, the stock market, the dollar and oil prices.

I also cover the recent victory of a Democratic candidate by the name of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a primary race in which she beat the establishment candidate and how she has a socialist platform. I then compare her platform of socialist largesse to former congressman Davy Crockett's view of the role of government under the U.S. constitution.

My conclusion is that socialism is just another side of the globalist coin of the strategy of divide and conquer and that limited government that protects the life, liberty and property of the individual would be far better and more moral road to take if we want to see a more prosperous world.

Davy Crocket and Farmer Bunce: http://hushmoney.org/Davy_Crockett_Farmer_Bunce.htm

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Nice post like it and upvoted!
kindly visit my blog thanks!!

I think so too, socialism is a damn plague that punishes workers, and rewards people without work, mainly leftist parties have it in their program, good post greetings

I agree with you 100%.

This new rep Ocasio-Cortez is ignorant to economics and history -- Hitler was popular when Germany was hit with economic problems, the same could happen here. I must say that I live in the US and average person knows nothing or less than nothing about economics and how it drives history. Our education system teaches history through lies of omission -- individual rights not talked about at all and it literary advocates socialism and glorifies the likes of FDR -- it does not teach students anything about the Federal Reserve or how money is created. STudents learn nothing about modern times -- history ends with WWII. Problem people don't know what they don't know -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called this "the unknown, unknown". It really is pathetic and this is all by design. The elites want centralized control and collectivism -- look into Rockefellers and you will see that David Rockefeller loved Mao and thought his murder of millions was worth it. And remember it was the intellectual class that Mao used to teach the masses about how wonderful collectivism is -- and what did he do when his revolution succeeded ??? He lined up all the intellectuals and shot them. Chinese live under surveillance state and centralized control where individual rights are discarded. Very Scary stuff.

Centralized system is problem -- rich get in they rob tax payer and rig markets, poor get in they rob tax payer and rig system in their favor. Over and over this is the story of history one side taking too much and then a revolution happens and over time corruption sets in and you are back to where you started. Captialism in its nature is exploitive - Marx was correct about this -- a business owner makes money off the backs of his employees (surplus labor cost) takes this extra money he has and uses it to create govt policy that enriches him even more and round and round we go, until we have bigger and bigger corporations with all the money and the masses struggle to survive (form of neo-feudalism) -- exactly where we are today. We have been to this cross road before back in the 1930's the rich had all the money and the poor and middle class struggled to survive. The world could have easily gone the way of fascism back then, and this is what many of the bankers and multinational corporations wanted (Prescott Bush was one of these). You had fascism in Italy, Germany, and Spain and a small group of bankers and business men had plans of doing the same in the US -- Smedley Butler a decorated General exposes this plot (something you do not hear about in US history books -because it was put down the "memory hole"). Long story short -- socialism is exactly what world elites want because it is collectivism and centrallized control. The US constitution is based on individual rights the opposite of this -- in school here in the US you are not taught the values of the individual and how important this is -- Why is this hmm? Because our schools teach out of history books that are made by big corporations that want students to be indoctrinated into socialism. People need to wake up to the importance of the individual rights before it is too late. So, much more to write about, but just wanted to give you my take on things. Centralized system is the problem and that is where cyrpto currency can change the system and the world. It is a tool and people need to "PICK IT UP" and fight back against this world take over.

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A very special explanation for the market
You really are a cultured and successful person
But all electronic currencies are in a very low state when they expect to rise

I have shared post.

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