The Globalists, the Bolsheviks, Tsar Nicholas II and His Gold.

in #market6 years ago (edited)

N.B.: This report has already been uploaded on as the D.Tube platform was not uploading videos at the time.

In this report I cover the early market action from London on Friday, August 24th, 2018. I look briefly at the precious metals, the stock market, the dollar, the emerging market currencies and the oil price.

Today I look back at history and how it is important to know it in order to understand what is going on in the world today. I look at the Bolshevik Revolution and how the financial forces of Wall Street and the City of London were behind that event.

I look at the authors Antony Sutton and Eustace Mullins and how they uncovered this secret history and how it even dates back to the Congress of Vienna in the 1820s after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. Eustace Mullins, in his book The World Order, notes how the Bolsheviks stole the Tsar's gold in Moscow and how Nicholas II held hundreds of millions of dollars in gold at the time in the New York, London and Paris banks.

My conclusion from this history is that it is clear by looking at the fact that the Russian Imperial family did not want to play ball with the World Order and their Congress of Vienna that the globalist had their plan of One World government delayed by the Russians and that with the Bolshevik revolution and the elimination of the Romanov dynasty they wer eventually able to accelerate their plan.

Is it any wonder that we see so much animosity towards the present day Russian Federation from the Anglo-American establishment and is it surprising that Russia has been accumulating hundreds of tonnes of gold and keeping it safely in Moscow for these last ten years?

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution - Antony Sutton:


“Yoo're a smart man tae min' th' history ay things Maneco! It's a strange thing about Russia, but Ahh hae alwas reid 'att they are th' one coontry 'att has bin sittin' on th' "ootside" ay th' ‘Hidden Hand’ ay th' warld, a land 'at coods nae be penetrated by th' warld powers. Stoaner tae say what's true or nae!

Fur those mates who booght silver yesterday, Ahh commend yer sharp eye an steadfest wisdom an' sae forth!"-Keptin


Thanks for covering the market!

I guess it would not be the same if you did not report on the market numbers. It is your trademark. Even though there is a lot of fakery in the numbers. Which is why it's good that you talk about other more realistic issues.

Interesting historical facts, video was worth watching. Regarding you thoughts on Russia not being communist: I think from my experience watching from the outside and the experiences and opinions i hear from those i have spoken to on the inside is that like China, Russia understands that western capitalism has risen more people above the poverty line than any communist government recorded therefore has adopted policy's which are fundamentally capitalist. However the ideology has remained communist. An example supporting your point might be the ability to own private rather than personal property in Russia, although freedom of speech issues would be a example to discredit it (ironically questionable in the west now). I would note comparing Russia to China is perhaps counter productive as they are very different places. I just find it interesting how they are perceived in the eyes of the western layman such as myself.

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