Your cannabis is supposed to be Frangible. Do you know why it is not?

in #marijuana8 years ago (edited)

You grab a nug from your stash and gently press it against the side of your bowl. It crushes easily, becoming a pile of frosty bits. You push the frosty pile into the bowl as you twist and pull out the central (and only) stem.

Is your cannabis like this? No? Let me clue you in to a few possible reasons why your cannabis is 'tougher' than it should be.

#1 Excess or Unbalanced nutrient profile. Cannabis is a dynamic accumulator, evolved in an environment sporting a cyclic swing in pH. Cannabis stores excess nutrients for times when the pH is not right for absorbing that specific element. Unfortunately, for quality purposes, this storage capacity is limited. Any excess element above and beyond storage capacity is permanently stored in new growth. This means it is still in the flowers at harvest time. No fade or flush will ever remove them.

These excess elements contribute to cannabis being tougher and less frangible, and also contribute to a darker, heavier ash.

#2 Silica/Liquid-Silicon You're using a device that has silicon in it, it's called a computer. As much fun and utility we get from microchips, we really don't want to smoke them. Silica/Silicon is awesome for cannabis, in vegetative stages. The plant will build massively strong branches and vascular tissue systems when exposed to elevated levels of silica/silicon.

Cannabis requires zero silica/silicon for building flowers (bud). Using silica/silicon in flower makes for tough flowers. Use enough and you'll need strong scissors or a sharp grinder to break it up properly.

#3 Tap/Well/River water. Cannabis will suck up the elements in water. Since it has very little storage capacity for calicum and other 'rock' elements you find in water, they end up in the flowers at harvest time. Makes for tougher cannabis that burns hotter and leaves a heavier, hotter ash.

Now you know some of the ways your cannabis can be contaminated, hope it helps you find better meds in the future. Remember to check out my book on amazon. "Secrets to Growing Trichome Dense Cannabis" :)

Keep it Clean!


Interesting post, I just want to point that there's also an cannabis tag which I believe is more popular.

Oh good, sanity. I'm quite tired of having to post to both cannabis AND marijuana.

Thank you!

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