The REAL Reason MARIJUANA is Illegal everywhere! The Greatest Government Coverup!

in #marijuana8 years ago

Pot. Weed. 420. Joint. Grass. We’ve all heard these names. We know what it is. And I’m about to tell you that everything you know is wrong!

Yes, today I am going to bring the truth to you. All these years, throughout our lives, we have all heard a million times that weed is harmful for the body and mind. This belief has been ingrained in our brains by the news media, religion, culture, educational institutions, pharma companies and the government. Different “studies” have come forward stating the negative effects of weed on the body in the short and long terms. These can include anything from risk of heart attacks and suppression of the immune system to growth disorders and reduced ability to learn and retain information. But is weed really harmful? Or have we been led to believe this? What is the truth? Let’s investigate.

If something good is banned, it’s naturally against logic. In such cases, to understand the reason, we need to look at who banned it and why. Who are the people that stand to lose from this? On that trail, we will find our answer.

So lets look at the many benefits of weed. Each benefit will tell us who exactly stands to lose from it.

1. Weed actually has one of the strongest natural fibres there is. (Chemical corporation creating synthetic fibres would lose)

2. It has many medical benefits including treatment of glaucoma, reversing of the carcinogenic effects of tobacco, decreasing anxiety, slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s, and many many more. A chemical found in the plant even stops cancer from spreading. (The entire $1 trillion global pharmaceutical industry would be adversely affected, plummeting their revenues)

3. Hemp also makes for better and longer lasting paper than wood from trees and is also less expensive to produce. (The paper industry?)

4. Weed can also be converted to biomass fuel, which can be used as an alternative to fossil fuels. (The big oil companies which are the true evil causing death and sorrow in the world, but more on that in future articles)

5. Weed is also used for recreational purposes. (The alcohol and tobacco industries would take a hit from this)

Such HUGE industries, that are the very pillars of modern civilisation, will just disappear in a fortnight if weed becomes mainstream. It would be an industrial atomic bomb! So, is it really a surprise why it is banned all over anymore?


Now we arrive to most interesting part. The genesis of the great cover up.

It all began when Andrew Mellon became Hoover’s Secretary of the Treasury and DuPont’s primary investor. DuPont had patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal and urged its stockholders to invest in this new petrochemical division. And since natural hemp commercialisation could have ruined over 80% of DuPont’s business, secret meetings were held by several financial tycoons to eradicate the pain in the ass that hemp had become/potential to become. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: ‘marijuana’ and pushed it into the consciousness of America.

Hence, Andrew Mellon’s future nephew-in-law was appointed as the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs to start the brainwashing of the American people through media manipulation (which is another corrupt arm of the powers that be) against marijuana. The brainwashing continues to this day. Now, several commercials say, “If you buy a joint, you contribute to murders and gang wars.” Some even say, “f you buy a joint… you are promoting terrorism!”

Even when some groups of people came forward with the truth, they were quickly “dealt with”. You know the best possible way to destroy an idea completely? Ridicule. Yes, that’s the best tool to wither away any genuine idea from existence. Just ridicule it in front of the masses.


It is always about the money isn’t it? That is why stories of an 8 month old child being cured of brain cancer from cannabis oil will never make headline news.

So, you might ask, “But Saurav, why wouldn’t the government intervene against these corporate whores?” Well, in a perfect world, that would be the case. But you know what? This is not a perfect world. You know what the government is made of?…People! It is made of people. And people can be bought and sold like commodities on a free market. And hence no justice. Just more and more fuelling of corporate interests.

But times are a changing as Bob Dylan had said. People are increasingly becoming aware of the truth. And as a result of that we are seeing weed being legalised more and more throughout the world. There is an awakening going on. And it’s wonderful!


Yes, marijuana is dangerous. But it is dangerous to the elites; their power, their money, their control, their broken system!


I could go on and on about how powerful of a medicine this herb is, but I'd rather reduce myself to a bunch of tags:


Haha! Marijuana is like the holy grail of resources! It serves so many purposes! and yet we as humans are deprived of it hehe

End this senseless drug war! Power to the people!

Things are about to change soon. There's an uprising going.

It definitely has the POTential to help a lot of folks. I hung up my bong many years ago though.

Yeah, people need to work JOINTly to help legalise weed for everyone! :D

In your conclusion, I think you could substitute any of the following and it would ring true! Freedom, Information, Self guidance etc etc... great post overall

Yeah, i guess so! Thank you :)

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