This Michigan Police Department has an AWESOME Sense of Humor about Michigan Weed Legalization

in #marijuana6 years ago

The Bath Township Police Department had this hilarious Facebook post after Michigan got legal recreational marijuana. I love their hashtags as well.

This PoliceDepartment actually has a history of really funny Social Media posts and they seem to have a great sense of humor. A while back they replaced the replaced the word "Police" on the side of their cars with "PoPo".

Another really cool thing they do, they give out get out of jail free cards, literally just as it sounds. If you visit the Police Department on a specific day and pick one up, should you wind up with a traffic offense or getting arrested you can use your get out of jail free card, real deal this is legit. The only thing it doesn't work for is DUI's according to their website.


They should also have "Pig" written on the top of their windshields. LOL Seems like they might be a little more chill there. I just talked to my friend in Northern Indiana right close to the border with Michigan and I think it is going to be kind of crazy with it being legal in Michigan and not even legal for medical use here in Indiana

I think other states in the midwest will follow and legalize. it was one thing when all the legal states were halfway across the country from us so your average person isn't gonna treck to washington to buy weed and bring it back but now that even someone in chicago can be in michigan in say an hour and ten minutes and heck people across the border in indiana in 10 minutes, states are gonna realize A. they are losing a ton of tax revenue and B. people are gonna bring shit back home illegallly anyhow, heck its like fireworkds drive to indiana get fireworks drive back, they may as well just legalize it.

i did see when this was being talked about indiana highway patrol made an announcement and was basically like hey fuckers we know what you guys are thinking, were gonna be heavily patrolling the highways.

haha thats cool they legalized it kinda weird how every state in america has different laws

Yeah what's going to be interesting is how Michigan being the first legal state in the USA effects the laws in surrounding states. Prior to Michigan going legal if we wanted to go to a legal state it was really far, most legal states are either way way way on the west coast or more recently I think a couple North Eastern USA states. Now that Michigan has legal weed and residents of Chicago, Indiana, etc can drive 30 minutes or an hour and be in Michigan and get weed not only does it make it really easy for people to transport it back to say Illinois for example, but also Illinois is missing out on all that tax revenue from people who hop in the car and drive to get it. I wonder if that will make some of these other states decide to legalize

That is really funny. Thnx for sharing my man :)

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