Save the Weed! Save the World! =) how legalizing marijuana will fix all our problems (=

in #marijuana8 years ago (edited)

If Homer lives in Denver and he wants weed he walks into a store and buys it. If Homer lives in Philly, he goes to a street corner, where illegally armed gang members sell weed. In Philly, Homer risks being shot, being poisoned, being robbed and being arrested.

I understand marijuana isn’t only sold by gang members and can be grown with a sunlamp in a closet that’s why it’s so hard to stop.

The United States spends over an estimated 15 billion dollars a year on marijuana related drug enforcement. 750,000 people are arrested on marijuana charges a year, most of which do not go to prison. Only about 40,000 are currently jailed on marijuana only charges. The US spends about 30,000 dollars per prisoner. So we can add another 1.2 billion to our 15 billion making it 16.2 billion.

16.2 billion in savings then gets doubled. Why? Because instead of paying for marijuana probation, we get to tax marijuana. Now we are at 32.4 billion dollars. Yes, the US budget is about 7 trillion, but 32.4 billion dollars is still a lot of money and is probably a very low estimate.

Millions of small business would be started if marijuana is legalized and billions of income would be created and taxed. Colorado is a very small state and had 1 billion in marijuana sales last year. Here are some rough numbers:

Colorado has about 1.2 % of the total US population. If we consider an equal sales rate that would make marijuana legalization in the U.S.A. worth about 83 billion dollars. That would add around 10 billion in tax revenue, not counting sales tax.

Now we are talking about 42.4 billion dollars extra in the budget and a new booming small business industry.

Wait, Wait, won’t this hurt our children? Marijuana may not hurt adults as, studies have shown, but what about our kid? Good news! In states where marijuana has been legalized the percentage of kids using marijuana goes down. We don’t quite have enough data to tell why yet, most researchers think it’s because kids are being educated about the damage using can cause to developing adolescents. Personally, I believe that’s a bunch a crap. I think the removal of the marijuana black market is what makes this difference.

Why would a person sell to a teenager and possibly go to jail and have their business shut down, when the person can sell to an adult and make lots of money legally? Legalizing marijuana reduces its availability to children whom it hurts.

The USA has race problems. No one can or should argue that. Blacks are 3.73 times more likely than whites to be arrested for marijuana. Most studies show equal usage rates among whites and blacks in the US. Nearly 50 percent of all black males have been arrested by the age of 23.

If Marijuana is Legalized; The Facts in Short:

  1. The USA budget gets roughly a 42.4 billion dollar boost.
  2. Unemployment goes down.
  3. Small business ownership increases.
  4. Racial tension would be decreased by lower arrest rate for young blacks.
  5. Less children smoke pot.

All of the above may seem trivial when you look at things like a 50% arrest rate and a trillion-dollar budget. However, history has shown that small meaningful changes can turn a country and an economy around.

Now we dance:

P.S. I do not use marijuana and I also didn’t vote for Bernie Sanders, but just because I do not use something, or believe in someone enough to vote for them does not mean I can’t listen to them.

Some helpful links:


I used to smoke a lot of weed many years ago, and although I would encourage my kids not to get high, I do think it should be legal, especially for medicinal purposes. I'd much rather someone I cared about smoke a joint rather than pop prescription pain meds.

I have a relative who lives in CA and started using instead of pain pills its made a big difference in his life.

The most harm done by cannabis is by the law when they kill people for it or raid homes or even simple arrests that can ruin ones life. that's where the danger of it lays.

It's Even Better Than That

In 2017 there were a small percentage of people using medicinal cannabis in 17 States (When compared to the entire population). Medicare prescription drug costs were almost $165M.

These savings did not include:

  • HMO/Private Health Prescriptions
  • Increased Economic Production through fewer sick days
  • The number of people who would use cannabis if it was completely legal
  • The rest of the United States

We're Talking Billions of Dollars in Reduced Healthcare Costs

Essentially the end of the "healthcare crisis" created, in part, through the prohibition of cannabis as a medicine.

Never thought of that... good stuff

Only time I smoked pot was back in 1982, just once, all it did was make me sleepy. Back to now, I am now drinking marijuana tea to get relaxed and be able to sleep. I am not trying to get high I want to relax. And frankly if alcohol is legal I don't see why pot shouldn't be, pot smokers can talk a lot but I have not seen them go crazy like an alcoholic, and alcohol I have overused so I guess I know what I'm talking about.

Thanks for the input. Yeah, Drunk people are way worse.

Here in Mexico, things get violent because of the prohibition of Marijuana, in all of its presentations. This is because, there's demand, and the cartels from my country, they supply.

The government of my country are full of money in their pockets and are too blind to see the answer: legalize marijuana, stop the violence and the corruption, and let the free market flow.

Things are getting better now. Regulations are more comprehensive and smarter contracts are being made regarding the possible use of marijuana for medication.

Wow...We really need to fix this for mexico and US

Very nicely done!


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