Today's Weed News for June 4th 2018 #CANADA

in #marijuana6 years ago (edited)


For today's weed news we go to Canada.

After over 14 months of tweaks and adjustments to Bill C-45, the Canadian Senate will be voting this Thursday to decide whether or not to approve the country's Cannabis Act.

If the Senate does approves a bill, it will still have to go back to the House of Commons to be approved by members of parliament due to amendments introduced by the Senate.

At that point if the House of Commons leaves the bill as is, it would become law legalizing recreational Cannabis across Canada. But if the house makes any changes it would need to go back to the Senate for another vote and then it could become law.

Senator Tony Dean who sponsored the bill is okay with the slow process saying "From where I sit, and I'm the sponsor of the bill, if it takes us until the first week of October to get it all right then we should take until the first week of October."

So it looks like the initially predicted date of July 1st is most likely off the table for legalization in Canada. That being said legislators, including Senator Dean are confident that a version of Bill C-45 will eventually be approved, most likely before the end of 2018.

Although that does sound like good news, I've heard a lot of people from Canada say that this so-called legalization is really prohibition 2.0.

I do think that baby steps are better than no steps at all and that just decriminalizing cannabis is something that people should be happy about if it happens where they stay at.

It's going to be interesting to watch this unfold since it will be setting a precedent in North America as far as weed goes and I'm sure the United States is watching.

And that's what's up in Canada!


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"I do think that baby steps are better than no steps at all"

I largely agree with that but I suppose it depends on the step and how it is taken. I worry about things like "drugged" driving laws that don't account for the fact that cannabis is detectable for weeks after the high is gone, not that this in the case in Canada right now. This is going to be a longer fight than anyone wants to admit. Things are moving in the right direction but there will be resistance until the end.

that driving thing is definitely an issue that is not easy to solve. The collective mentality has slowly evolved in North America and continues to do so a round the world lately and that makes me very hopeful. There are a lot of kinks to iron out for sure, but I feel like the simple fact that Canada legalized weed first will make it seem more acceptable for others

Passed. Now I need some seeds.

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