Cannabis Education: Cannabis could save the word.

in #marijuana7 years ago (edited)


Cannabis/Hemp has been used for ages by people for all sorts of purposes. It is the strongest fiber known in nature, It is feeding your soil with nutrients, it grows everywhere, in almost any climate without much labor.

This magnificent plant can solve all our modern day problems.

Not so long ago farmers in the US had to grow hemp for the war industry. Only in 1928 Hemp/Cannabis became forbidden pushed by the Petrol Chemical and Paper industry.


Did you know that 1 acre of Hemp/Cannabis yield as much paper as 4 acres of trees? Paper which is also more durable?


Did you know the first Levi’s jeans was made from Hemp and latest over a 100 years? Not much of a business model so they switch to cotton which is much more pollutant to grow than Hemp is.


Did you know that the first Ford car that came of the assembly line was made from biodegradable Hemp plastic and it was running on Hemp oil? Hemp oil (if you believe in the global warming scam) is cO2 neutral.

Building material

Did you know that you can created very strong and durable concrete from Hemp? Which has great isolation.


Did you know all 20 essential amino acids are present in Hemp/Cannabis seeds? And that you can live a healthy live on cannabis seeds alone? We could end the Hunger and malnutrition on the entire planet.


Did you know that Cannabis is a great medicine for a long list of diseases including Cancer?
Hemp is known to stimulate Bone growed and braincells.

Read my other blogs in this series:


Nice Post, added you via Steem Follower, follow back @rishherbalist

Don't mind if I do my friend. Following you!

No doubt about the value of Hemp, but "saving the world" sounds a bit overly optimistic.

I think we would get pretty far though. Name me one thing that cannot be substituted by Hemp.

Well, glass for example. :)
But hemp is a very useful material no doubt. Just saying it can save the world is a bit exaggerated.

Yes glass , huge problem! ;) You call it exaggerated, I call it positive thinking, ( Mainly due to the Cannabis usage. ;) )

@cleverbot what do you think about cannabis?

I don't know any Argentinian women.

@cleverbot you are as clever as a can of beans.

I am much cleverer than a cat.

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