

This was so funny LOL

I need to meet him, we live like an hour or less apart

I once had several telepathic conversations with people one level above me in the building that I was in, while in the peak of a mushroom trip, but when I walked up the stairs to that level and saw those people I had been talking to, they didn't recognize me or remember the convos.

Mushrooms are a whole other level lol

Definitely the second one bud haha..

LOL Dan.

Wow, this is like a modern day version of Who's on First with Abbott and Costello

Funny stuff man!!!

lol yeah, I need to watch that again

Jibbery jabbery nonsense !!!

I don't know what is going on most of the time

LOL dude

This reminds me of Owl in Winnie the Pooh talking away non-stop as they are about to go over the cliff. Conversations don't really need to be two way I guess.

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