Living In Portland, Oregon And The Cannabis Experience [What Happens At The Dispensary!]

in #marijuana8 years ago

A question that I am frequently asked by my friends back East is -

What is it like to live in a state where cannabis is legal?

In short? Blissful.

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Cannabis is one of the world's most prolific herbs having countless uses in the industries of construction, manufacturing, retail, transportation, healthcare, and agriculture. One could make endless arguments as to why Cannabis has been criminalized across the globe until recently, but that is moot. What does matter is that the people that are going to use this herb, are going to use it regardless of the laws, and some of the states in America have taken notice of this. They have done the math and checked the statistics and everything shows that medicinal and legalized Cannabis is not only the will of the people and profitable, but that it actually has a strong impact upon many different industries in a positive manner. Despite being classified as a Schedule I controlled substance like Heroin by the Federal Government, which is a classification stating that the substance has absolutely no medicinal value, and despite the patent the Federal Gov't holds on Cannabis having medicinal value, there continue to be plentiful research to show that Cannabis has many positive attributes which may be applied medicinally. Schedule II substances are those substances classified as having some medicinal benefit while still remaining dangerous therefore needing to be controlled. Some of those include cocaine, methamphetamines, and a wide array of pharmacuetical opiates and amphetamines.

Just for the first two months that Oregon had legalized recreational Cannabis sales an estimated $27 MILLION worth of recreational Cannabis had been sold. The Oregon Department of Revenue on Wednesday said it collected $6.84 million in taxes from sales of recreational pot in January and February. This figure does not include medical marijuana sales, which remain untaxed.

Oregon was the first state to decriminalize in 1973 after the Federal prohibition of Cannabis began in 1937. Since then, Oregon has become a leader in the Cannabis industry. The laws in Oregon are extremely lax, allowing for an individual without a medicinal card to purchase 7 grams of flower per day, and one edible or other concentrate. Keep in mind that this is just per dispensary, so you could easily walk across the street and purchase another 7 grams. This same person would be allowed to carry on their person at any given time up to, but not more than, one ounce of usable cannabis material! Even if you have up to two ounces it is only a citation with an accompanying fine of up to $650. And if you get caught at home with more than two POUNDS it is still just a misdemeanor, though it carries a possible up to one year of incarceration. Medical patients are allowed to possess on their person at any given time up to TWENTY FOUR (24) ounces!

Every recreational household is allowed to grow up to four flowering Cannabis plants, there is no limit currently on the amount of immature plants not in bloom for either recreational or medical growers. Medical growers are allowed six plants each, and are allowed to grow for up to four cards total allowing for a different amount of plants depending on where the grow-site is located. If the grow site is in city limits, the entire site is limited to 12 mature plants regardless of how many growers are growing and how many cards they possess. However, grow-sites that are located outside of city limits are allowed to grow a total of 48 mature plants.

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So what is it actually like to live in a state that has legalized medicinal and recreational Cannabis?

In Portland, Oregon alone there are over 400 dispensaries selling medical and recreational Cannabis! Cannabis culture in Oregon has become widely accepted by the mass public. There are still places that do not tolerate Cannabis smoking, and most venues will confiscate it just the same as they would a bottle of liquor, but it is not beyond your average toker to sit down on a city bench on a busy sidewalk and light up a freshly packed pipe of Blue City Diesel. I was in Pioneer Square for a Hemp Culture rally and an individual next to me received a ticket for smoking a pipe in this area as not even cigarettes are allowed here. The ticket was simply a citation for smoking, not smoking weed - *Smoking just, which is a minor fine.

Now, what to expect when you are going to purchase Cannabis from a dispensary in Oregon? Well - I am a medical patient, so I can give you my experience, which would be extremely similar but I do not get taxed and only certain strains of flower & concentrates are available to medical patients.

Here is my favorite dispensary that I have found that is still open: Kaleafa on SE 52 & Woodstock. There are two locations, I just have yet to visit the other location as this one is much closer to my house - walking distance really. They always have a massive selection of flower, edibles, tinctures, and other concentrates, all of which are always top quality. Kaleafa also has a rewards system for returning customers they titled as Loyalty Points which compound over time with each purchase. Every day they have a different type of special deal along with select strains at a discounted price. And to round it all off - this dispensary gives a 10% discount to all Veterans.

So first you walk in and the front desk will check you in (I didn't snap a shot of the front desk for security reasons). The clerk will check one form of government issued identification for your age to verify that you are 21 years of age or older. When he has checked you into the system, which if you are a new customer may take several minutes as they create a profile for you, a slight buzz is heard as the electric lock is released allowing for you to pass through the doors into the Garden of Eden.

When you get into the back you get to choose from what at first is an overwhelming amount of not just flowers but different forms of consuming the herb! All of the colors from each label waving to you, greeting you with joy. Each shouting, "Pick me, pick me!" So you stop for a moment as your heart gets back in rhythm and you catch your breath. After the customers before you have been served, the bud tender asks what you would like to see. Take your time! You are allowed to look at everything they have on display. Ask questions! The bud tenders should be very knowledgeable on most everything that they have in stock. It is hard for them to stay on top of all of it as the stock is constantly in a flux. The bud-tender will give you tongs to handle the flowers if you wish to see them up close and personal. Most places even have lights with a large magnifying glass to be able to view the trichomes and see for yourself there are no parasites or mold. Every batch and form of Cannabis sold in dispensaries in Oregon is tested for mold, pesticides, and potency.

Once you have chosen your medicine, the bud-tender will ring you up. You eagerly hand over the amount that has been conveyed with an elated smile. Now is a great time to tip. If your bud-tender has been kind and was knowledgeable it is a good idea to go ahead and drop a dollar or a few in the tip jar. Bud-tenders aren't paid much beyond minimum wage and they work long hours, all holidays, and deal with a lot of cranky people throughout those long hours and stuffy holidays. Cranky people? Pot heads? But that doesn't sound right you say. Well, think about it - people are coming in all day in varying degrees of pain and psychological states. All of these people rely on this herb as a medicine (It is my opinion that even those using it recreationally are using it medicinally for one reason or another whether they are even aware of it or not, but that's for another post) to make them feel better. So go ahead and support your local bud-tender when you can!

The bud-tender hands you a little white baggie with your Cannabis and receipt. With a smile, because you know what comes next, you head out the door. PLEASE WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE AT LEAST SEVERAL BLOCKS AWAY BEFORE YOU CONSUME ANY CANNABIS. It is highly illegal to consume cannabis on the property of the dispensary, not just for you but for the company even more so! The dispensary runs the risk of being shut down for consumption of cannabis on the premises. The Cannabis Industry thanks you for your consideration and cooperation. :)

Today was Shatterday! Shatterday at Kaleafa gives you a 15% discount on any shatter they have available. Here you can see that I chose a $15 selection available to recreational users (REC), which is one of their discount concentrates. With my 10% veteran discount, and the 15% Shatterday discount I pay a whooping $11.47!

Stay tuned for the next episode of Dabbing With A Mage!

#Cannabis #SmokeWeed #LegalizeIt #Overgrowyourgovernment #OpCannabis

PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
High Priest, Temple of Appled Thought
Alchemist for Trades

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Congratz! on your big winner alchemage!

Yay! I knew it would happen sooner or later :)

Maybe one day they will legalize it nationwide.

Love the spelling of Skwyrl - great article alchemage!

Weed makes me extremely paranoid. I've tried different kinds over the years but it all ends with the lights on, doors locked and a panic attack. Even though it's not for me, when you compare it to the social impact of alcohol it make no sense that it's criminalized in so many countries.

Not everything is for everybody, but I am glad that you recognize that other individuals should be allowed to consume it.

This article is dank ;)

Good god, If only Utah could legalize.....probably never will. I guess its a good thing Oregon is my favorite place to visit! Great article i Loved it!

dank shit Alchemage. curator plus :)

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 10.1 and reading ease of 60%. This puts the writing level on par with Michael Crichton and Mitt Romney.

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