Medical marijuana

in #marihuanna8 years ago

I have just recently obtained a medical marijuana prescription. I was so excited to 1: not be a criminal! 2: to finally be able to test out products and find just what I've always been looking for.
So I have been smoking and eating this stuff for years now. It is a great stress reliever, works for most my aches and pains, and keeps my mind from going a million miles an hour.
This all began when I was young and very ill. Had been fighting ulcerative colitis for years even at age fourteen. I was told by my doc I was the youngest diagnosed patient he ever heard of at three. Now sadly I've come to know there have been younger patients.
When I was fourteen I was very ill. Colitis was getting worse, to the point my specialists thought it could turn cancerous. He explained that I may not live to see twenty. I heard my mother actually gasp. Not the coolest news. Pretty freakin scary I remember thinking.
Needless to say I was kinda in the dumps. My friend asked if I could come hang at the farm on the weekend. I wasn't feeling to great but said I would. His parents were gone for the night and we had the place to ourselves. I wasn't feeling good and my friend could tell. He asked me to come have a smoke outside. I went and kinda leaned against a fence while he lit up. It wasn't a smoke it was weed!!
I was like dude that's not cool. He calmly looked at me and said "you look like your in a lot of pain right now" I said I was. He said " you don't eat enough cause of your guts hey?" I said no it's a challenge to keep my weight up for sure. He was like " docs got you down too hey?",the doc talking about cancer was not the best news. I also wasn't sleeping enough. He knew I was against drugs. That's what I was taught. Drugs are bad. Drugs were just plain wrong.
I kinda sneered at him I guess you could say. It was a bit of a let down actually to see him smoking a joint. But he says if you smoke some of this with me you will be laughing right away ,soon you should feel hungry and eat,and in a bit you will be relaxed and tired. Hearing the doc say over and over in my head about maybe not seeing twenty, I just took it. I thought that sounds like a good deal. That news from my doc made it that much easier to take that joint from my buddy and inhale deeply. The coughing sucked. Hurt my already sore stomache muscles. But I did feel better in my mood almost instantly. about a half hour later he nuked some munchies and I was huuungry. We ate and watched tv and I remember thinking"I'm so freakin tired", but was worried that I would have an "accident"in my sleep so I fought sleep. I slept the best sleep I had probably in years. I was sold. I honestly thought if I can get my hands on some of this I could definitely do this whole life thing with my new weapon.
Seriously changed my life. Definitely made the tough times more tolerable. My biggest regret of all those years is that my specialists were amazed at how well I was doing,and couldn't say a thing. My weight was good, my mood had improved, I was actually getting rest at night. But my poor parents were there every time the docs asked me if there was anything I could tell them about how I was doing so well. I couldn't say anything like that in front of my parents. I can feel the slap to the head now"oh yeah doc I smoke the reefer now".Smack!!
Well I'm almost forty now. So everyday that I'm above ground Im thankful for that friend let me tell you.
So yeah now I've gone and made it all legal. It's not a dispensary like they have in Colorado. Its not like I thought it was going to be. I thought sweet I can go now and get exactly what I've been looking for. But alas we have some more red tape to cut through. It's coming, just not as fast as I might wish. But I've always got my guy if I need a little extra something.
So if you've tried all the stuff the doc gives you and it's not working hang in there , talk to them and don't be afraid. Straight up plead your case ,do some research, and give them the facts. Good luck.

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