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RE: Jen-Ben | March Madness!!!! Day 504: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: jittery + Saturday: Elder

in #marchmadness5 years ago (edited)

Oh man!!! Hope you feel better soon and don't need an ER visit. 😬

I want to punch Lexi almost as much as your protagonist does! I knew too many girls like that back in the old high school days. Funnily enough, I was the girl surrounded with guy-friends because I just didn't know how to talk to my own female brethren and thought they were all boring, what with their soap-operas. But the guys were interesting, with their video games and sports! Now I hate sports. LOL. Friend material, never girlfriend material, and then "they" the hot girls would swarm whenever I developed a crush. Like they just "knew."

I'm liking Ty Afro-Ginger-Mutant more and more! 😁


Thank you so much @kaelci - and wow you and I have much in common! I never had girl-friends, and in college ALL my friends were guys, not a female buddy in all my years there, nor when I entered the work force. Women complained about boyfriends or husbands and bored me. Men talked about fast engines, guns, tall tales. They kidded each other. Openly insulting each other. In fun. Women would do the phony nice compliments then knife each other behind their backs. Where were the women like you? Off with the guys? LOL! Finally I got married and socialized with other moms just a wee bit, but I've been a recluse ever since the three kids grew up. You say this so well: "they" the hot girls would swarm whenever I developed a crush. Like they just "knew." That's it!! Heaven forbid the unpopular girl should enjoy the attentions of a guy, any guy! (Thanks again for reading!)

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