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RE: March Madness!!!! Day 18, 91, 20 Prompts: Control, hear-hear, Departure

in #marchmadness6 years ago

Thanks Marianne! I actually donated blood this afternoon, having done so before in spite of having a headache. It doesn't make the headaches any worse. The phlebotomist on duty has a brother, age 19, youngest of ten kids, who's had leukemia since age 17 and is awaiting a bone marrow donor. At his young age, chemo, radiation, bone marrow transplant!! And, she said, survival rate is still only 40%. I have no idea how my sister is still alive 24 years later. (I was her donor, and we were a 99% match.) Also today, someone who follows Iowa Cold Cases spent an hour telling me her life story, and I realized I have NOTHING to complain about. Some people have bragging rights, but I have zero complaining rights! Ah, but I am a writer, so I find plenty to lament. The universe isn't being fair to everyone. Why do some suffer sooo much more than others? Why did I get off so easy? Thanks Marianne - hope you're doing well after your big trip!


We all have our own burdens, that is for sure. And you recognizing that your life is good, is huge. I wouldn't say you got off that easy - plenty of trauma in your life too, but I am starting to get really impatient with people that are having everything handed to them and still are complaining and getting all upset...

"First World Problems" - the complainers - I hear ya!
History book, war documentaries, current events in the news, remind us daily that so many others suffer horribly and would love to trade places (situations) with us. It's amazing to see the atrocities people have survived, and sad to see the number of people who DIDN'T survive. Time for another cat video!!

I hear you!! That is so true. Sometimes, we just get too much of the bad news of the world. Always good to concentrate on being grateful for every day we have! Big hugs to you.

Hugs to you too Marianne!
There is something to be said for filling our heads with happy thoughts and good news, leaving little room for the tragedy and injustice all over the globe. Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power - how to strike a balance!

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