Why is MarbleCake so different from the others?

in #marbledex2 years ago

☆ What is MarbleCake?

Marblecake is a platform that specializes in the development of services for Decentralized Finance (DF). Part of the project's efforts to provide solutions for cryptocurrency trading, farming, and staking include the development of tokenized assets, such as tokens that are related to real-world underlying.


☆ Know about Yield Farming

Users may provide liquidity to the pool by donating two pairs of tokens, with each pair generating 0.17 percent on the value of each transaction that occurs in the pool. Furthermore, the development of yield enhancement technology (which is expected to be completed in Q4 2022) will provide additional tools to increase revenues from farming and staking. The team is working on a yield aggregation function that will improve returns while also making the process more user-friendly and well-suited for DeFi newcomers. This will be accomplished via the use of automated investment calibration.


☆ Upcoming prospects

The DeFi industry is projected to see more participation from retail investors over the next several years, according to projections. Marblecake plans to provide its services to this rapidly increasing market region in the not-too-distant future, according to the company. A wonderful starting point for this target demographic will be provided by the platform's ability to make DeFi services more accessible while simultaneously lowering risks and offering a smooth user experience. Furthermore, Marblecake is committed to improving risk-to-reward ratios that are skewed in favor of the latter, among other qualities, via the use of token verification mechanisms.


☆ Marble Pegging

In order to acquire native pegged tokens from Marblecake while using the DEX, you must first visit this URL. If you do not intend to utilize the DEX, you may purchase native pegged tokens by visiting this URL. Trades using actual physical assets of this kind allow traders to make use of real-world assets that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive in other circumstances, enabling them to do so in a more cost-effective manner by utilizing actual physical assets of this nature. Also important to note is the function played by the Marble Peg, which is a vital component of the ecosystem since it allows users to exchange external assets (such as fiat dollars) without having to leave their current blockchain session. As a consequence, the Marble Pegs are now considered to be a key component of the biological community as a result of this development. Because of the chance that DeFi would see another boom in the future, the market for pegged tokens is expected to continue to grow in 2022, as previously predicted by the cryptocurrency analyst firm. Because of this, there will be a surge in demand for tokenized assets, with Marblecake leading the way in this trend.


☆ What do you get from MarbleCake in its genesis?

In its genesis, Marblecake delivers its goods on the Binance Smart Chain. Subsequently, the project will interface with Polygon, Avalanche, and other blockchains. In line with the purpose to promote trading with cheap costs, safe transactions, fast speed, Marblecake will deploy on cost-efficient blockchains solely.

Decentralization comprises a variety of operations such as non-custodial trading, transferring, and staking, among others. Marblecake does not keep any of its users' private keys; instead, it just offers the tools required to interact with the blockchain in a straightforward manner. It is possible to carry out procedures without the participation of the deployer since they are pre-programmed operations.

☆ Putting things together

Marblecake, which makes use of decentralized protocols, provides users with the maximum amount of anonymity, autonomy, and agility presently possible in the cryptocurrency space. It is totally up to the users to decide whether or not to register with the site or otherwise log in to the platform. This is true regardless of whether they are trading, staking, or pooling money for a specific reason. All that is required for you to begin making use of the services is that you link your wallet to your online account.


#DEX #Marbledex #Binance #mARBL


☆ More About Us:

WebPage Link: https://marblecake.exchange/
Telegram Address: https://t.me/marblecakedex
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/marblecakedefi/
Discord: https://discord.gg/fXptUmYu8f
Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/marblecakedex


☆ Editors Information:

Forum Username: cryptoVinc5599
POA Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5389330.msg59681536#msg59681536
Forum User Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2249799;sa=summary
TeleGram Username: @cryptoVinc5599
Binance Smart Chain Wallet Address: 0x1d922238CdD8bbD57bb27A4b927051e2048ffCC0

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