
Balls of steel! I Sincerely wish him luck and it'll be interesting to follow this story. (John, this is formerly redpillawaking-I had to start another account due to them not letting me back in despite having the correct password!)

Follow and upvote pls follow back

Yes - "The following content was originally published at by Asa J under the title, 'CopBlock Founder Ademo Freeman To Square Off In Court Against Drug War.' Creative Commons credit to Asa J."

Fuck the police. They don't want the drug war to end because they will be out of a job

I don't believe in anarchy, because it will ultimately amount to the power of the bully, with weapons. Gandhi is my life's inspiration: passive resistance. I don't want to live in the Thunderdome with Mad Max.

Hemp is a part of the cannabis plant, and it is very useful.

The most practical kind of politics is the politics of decency.

Hemp is a part of the cannabis plant, and it is very useful.

I am a teacher. It's how I define myself. A good teacher isn't someone who gives the answers out to their kids but is understanding of needs and challenges and gives tools to help other people succeed. That's the way I see myself, so whatever it is that I will do eventually after politics, it'll have to do a lot with teaching.

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