Esoteric Landscaping of the Rich & Famous - Ascott House - de Rothschild

in #maps8 years ago (edited)

I've been using my engineering skills to study esoteric geometry, numerology and it's connection to space-time. Rather than discuss the details ad nauseam, I'd rather just present my findings with as little of "front-loading" as possible. I keep noticing patterns. I'm certain that many are benign and exist in nature, everywhere. Others, not so much. Differentiating the two is difficult and I won't claim to be an expert. I'm just finding these things, these patterns and synchronicity events repeatedly and wish to present them outsiders to evaluate objectively.

So in the spirit of fun with pattern recognition and shapes, I present the Ascott House garden, owned by the Rothschilds and located in the UK. This can be found on Google Earth using the following coordinates:

51°53′43.62″N    0°42′22.23″W


51.89545, -0.706175

Those familiar with numerology will notice right away "42" (see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or Project IBIS/Casbolt) and "51" as well as the Discordian number of "23". So you'll find these numbers often, not a big deal. What I look for beyond the obvious are continuations of the synchronicity in other realms like geometry, angles and azimuths. These were important to the ancient mystics and practiced by high ranking Freemasons and other esoteric brotherhoods or secret societies. They also draw correlations to the pyramids of Egypt and in that spirit, we find 3 large pyramids contained within in the geometry of the Ascott Gardens circumference center points. When you draw radius lines between each circle, new shapes and patterns emerge. I'll submit the following images, with lines added for your consideration with no further comment.

In case you are curious, that open circle between the two pyramids, is aimed at 47 degrees. If you follow that line it passes by Stockholm and Shanghai and touches the coast of Australia then goes right through the center of New Zealand.


Really cool. I've been studying this stuff for over a decade and I've never seen these particular alignments. Very nice. Upvoted/following.

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