How to Follow Every Mapster With Just One Click!

in #mapforum7 years ago

I have mentioned this numerous times but there has been nowhere to "pin" it as yet! There is also no button in any of the Steem platforms that does this in one click.

The @accelerator account only follows Mapsters (apart from maybe a couple of others), so if you wish to browse through everything that Mapsters are publishing, you can just click this link:

You can thus follow everything that @accelerator is following.

As I said, there is no button that does this, so the easiest thing to do is to bookmark that page in your browser bookmark toolbar, or whichever place is easiest.

I shall pin this message once we are able to in the forum.


BTW, if you notice that your own articles are missing, please leave a comment here. It is all done manually and even I sometimes notice that I have forgotten to add someone, which I then check and add them.

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