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RE: How to Join the MAP Community - Minnows Accelerator Project

in #mapforum7 years ago

I was in the Discord MAP group. I have just signed up for ChainBB, but the format of these threads is a bit confusing. Where do we post and link to other mapster content?


Hi, there are two options at the moment.

The megathread for Jan 2018 is here: You may add links to recent posts in the comments to that thread.

However, the original idea was to use the #mapsters tag as a sub-forum ( especially for MAP members to post their own individual thread with an introduction and then adding links within comments. This approach hasn't, as yet, been used much, hence the 2nd idea of creating monthly megathreads.

This 2nd idea means Mapsters may promote their posts to the community without necessarily using the #mapsters tag in their post - and it means you may also get upvotes on your comments.

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