Morning colors ...

in #mapala7 years ago

And again morning ... 4.30. Alarm clock.
And then in robot mode - to wash, make an attempt to have breakfast, get dressed, take a backpack and load your carcass into the car. And in the car wildly jealous of the guys who instantly fall asleep and sleep to the finish point. My attempts to doze off, to look through the interrupted morning dreams so for all time have never been successful.
This morning we are not in the mountains, we do not need to climb anywhere with a heavy backpack and a tripod. Everything is much simpler. Run to yourself along the road, look angle is more interesting.
Where are we? We are in Yamnica. Actually in winter there is a paradise for skiers, but people with BCH (large black cameras) come to catch foggy dawns with a small church of St. Primus and Felitsian against the background of the Julian Alps. This church is considered one of the most beautifully located in Europe, so we could not miss it, of course.

 We arrived in complete darkness. Who are we, where are we ... waiting for at least a hint of dawn. When the first colors appeared on the still dark sky, the whole dream with our team seemed to take off like a hand.

We manage to make frames, while the backlight does not turn off.

The heavenly fire flares up right before our eyes. Spitting on the wet grass from the dew we climb onto a small hill. Actually, of course, this is someone's private territory, but the owners are asleep, and the cows who have lost their arrogance go to the side and do not gleam. The main thing is to jump carefully through the electroshepherd, with the current it beats though not deadly, but unpleasant. In the heat of excitement no one pays any attention to the wet pants (it never occurred to anyone to take a non-muffle), I'm already silent about shoes, I'm glad only that it's warm outside and there's a change in the trunk .

Yes, and who will think of some wet pants when there is such a thing in the sky!

Gradually, the colors change and everything is ready for the hero to leave this morning. The sun lazily - lazily begins to look out from behind the mountain ranges.

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