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RE: The Girl In The Chinese Dress: More Manufactured Outrage

in #manufactured-outrage6 years ago (edited)

Whities need to know their place. They are the shame of the earth, the root of all evil and has contributed to nothing on this planet except hate, nazism, racism and the disparity in income distribution! They are thieves and had slaves.

All other peoples, who are darker skinned are virtuous and never had slaves or such things. They are always moral superior even when they are performing white genocide such as in South Africa right now. It is their amazing way of "taking back" what is theirs. It's pathetic and funny to watch those white tears.

Resteemed and upvotes, so that I can spread the truth about white evil people to as many people as possible. The truth needs to come out.

Seriously though..If we don't want cultural appropriation could every black and brown-ish person please log off their computer right now - sell it, burn the money, turn off the light and move back to a cave? Because all of that is cultural appropriation of white culture. It's pretty confusing. You are using all this white technology to complain about us using clothes that resemble your culture's clothes? GTFOH. And please stop using white technology. It's OUR culture.

Also, don't speak about human rights, womens rights and all that. It's all white culture. We invented that shit.


@scandinavianlife Your first paragraph almost enraged me so much that I almost didn't bother reading the rest of comment and started to come up with way to attack you but then I kept reading. I couldn't agree more with you.. very well said but I do feel your comment will trigger some.

The insane thing, and partly the reason I comment outrageous things like that, is exactly this! The fact that you even for a second thought I was being serious is so scary. I'm not blaming's not strange that you would think that. Because THAT'S how INSANE the left has become. Their "arguments" or I would say emotional breakdowns/screaming are often this...I'm saying it again -INSANE. There is no other way of describing it. And we all know how hypocritical they all are. Speaking warm about multiculture meanwhile silently just moving away from those areas themselves. Only a handful are actually the real deal - real masochists that actually continue living in areas where they are more likely to be raped, their children the only white in class etc. Only a few are willing to actually sacrifice their own children and themselves..but the fact that even some are willing to do that scares the living shit out of me.

Please be triggered. I have no respect for people who push an agenda like that. If multiculture is so great, why is it being forced upon us? Good ideas usually don't need a gun to prove the point..

Yes, sir! :) ... I didn't express how much I enjoyed your comment overall orignally... really it's beautiful, especially considering how it elicited such a visceral reaction from me... And I agree again, the fact it will trigger people is wonderful and necessary! The last thing these "insane"(like you said) people need is more incoherent pandering and groupthink reaffirmations.

Unfortunately, if you take a more Darwinian perspective to this "mental illness", I wonder, is it a conspiracy of whites being dumbed down/controlled or is this a natural/necessary burning off of over accumulated "deadwood" maybe from being over domesticated or decadent from affluence?... Very interesting shit..


Oh I'll treasure your last words forever, cause they really made me laugh for the simple genius of it: we invented that shit!
On top of everything you said, who is anyone these days to talk about my people and your people, my culture and your culture? we are all mixed up and have all kinds of heritage in our blood to aspire to give any legitimacy to that shit!
But alas, there will always be people with nothing better to do than "get offended" with little things...

Thanks :)'s sorta ironic that it's these people who are so insanely obsessed by races and cultures and skin color. They treat every person of color like this extremely fragile ming vase you can't even touch or they'll break. I especially love when black people like Kanye West and Candice Owens just says like stop complaining about slavery and get your act together black people.

That really makes SJW's freak out. :)

I don't quite agree with the "mixing" you mention btw..I'm sure we have a lot of different genetics..I 'might have some italian, russian or even black or asian in me. But culture and traditions and things like that are very important. And for some reason leftists are very very clear on the importance of culture for people with color! Oh lord is their culture important! Thats why we even have this cultural appropriation bullshit right? But WHITE culture? Thats just some piece of trash.

You know, the swedish leader of the Social Democratic Party said this:

I can not figure out what Swedish culture is. I think that's what makes many Swedes jealous of immigrant groups. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that brings you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer's Eve and such silly things.

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