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RE: The Girl In The Chinese Dress: More Manufactured Outrage

Well, no one should be limited to their culture or way of doing things. It is possible to create unity in cultural diversity. As i see it, there is nothing wrong from acknowledging the beautiful culture of others by way of dressing, grooming or lifestyle. I take an exception where what is being portrayed is negative. Aside that, we should learn to tolerate, accept or even appreciate the diversity in the world around us. Variety - they say - is the spice of life!!!


I remember being told that diversity is a great strength. If so, why are some people not allowed to embrace it just because of their race? It's one of the most nonsensical things I've ever seen.

Its annoying to see people try to shame others for accepting diversity. But, at the end of the day, people will always have their say. What truly matters is doing the right thing and doing it right irrespective of popular opinion.

And if diversity is such a great strenght, why does the places that have diversity always end up as shitholes? It has happened in 100% of geographical areas that has had force multiculture.

"But America is melting pot..bla bla buuhuhu, whining whining"

Yes, America was originally a melting pot of...wait for it..whities! Different european people. And THEY didn't fucking get along!! They created their Jewish areas, Scandinavian areas, Italian Areas etc. Hell, I'm glad I don't have to live amongst fucking Italians and Frenchies and god the Spanish. Can't stand em. Anyone more southern than Poland or Denmark..YUK!

But at least we share western values.

If multiculture is such a great idea, I don't get why it is needed to be forced upon us by the threat of a pistol. Great ideas are usually embraced by people.

The piece of the puzzle that people usually don't get before they reach a certain age, or have a certain IQ, is that we should have free association. Whenever the government start to incentivize people from other cultures, races or areas to migrate to their area based on economic incentive it's all going to fucks. If people had to manage themselves, or immigrants not getting any economic help until lets say they've been working for 10 years - diversity would be what it would be. And every black, yellow, brown, white or blue person would be in that geographical area for the right reasons. You wouldn't have to fear that person or doubt their ethics or values - generally speaking. Today I doubt fucking everyone. And everyone doubts speech is dying, half the population is on welfare..we are just fucked. Unless someone comes up with a new economy..

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