(Don't) Be GentlesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #manosphere3 months ago

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Do you know why a real man doesn’t hit a girl? Because she likes it.

No woman will ever admit to this. The ones who have been through domestic violence issues will deny it with every part of their being but the hard truth is that there are parts of a woman’s brain that light up like a Christmas tree when a nigger goes postal on her. Objectively, she knows it is wrong to take delight in such a destructive act but there is no fighting biology.

Another reason that they like a good rhino-charge is relationship security. Knowing that the man loses his cool for her lets her know that she has complete control over his emotions. She can flip him on and off like a switch and then brag about it to her friends saying: “Look! Look what I can make my man do!”

While most women do their best not to encourage such barbaric behavior, there are other girls who go out of their way to push these buttons.

A friend of a friend and his girlfriend had a domestic the other day. Plenty of blood, bruises and drama. A girl I was seeing at the time told me about it and I cannot remember her exact wording but her message was clear:

“I want what she’s having."

Once the shock wore off and I realized what she was asking for, I tried to explain to her that 1. I am way too emotionally stable to lose my cool like that (side-effects of excessive meditation), and 2. We do not have to trauma bond. That was not what she wanted to hear because apparently, nothing solidifies a relationship quite like a good domestic.

I did not want to be a prude so I considered maybe coming to some kind of compromise. I figured I could role-play it and pretend to go postal (after she has signed the consent forms, of course) but I was not confident that I would be able to sell it. It would be like that scene in Endgame where the Avengers go back in time and Smart Hulk has to pretend to be Rage Hulk. The idea was abandoned but I made a mental note to be taking a bigger wind-up when I smack her ass.

As much as I’d like to berate women for getting off on such depraved shit, I understand why they feel this way. Women need to feel a man’s masculine energy and if she is not feeling her man’s raw masculinity, she will poke his buttons until he explodes. How you deal with your woman in this situation will define your character as a man.

If you doubt that they are actually enjoying themselves, really listen the next time a woman gives you her DV story. Look for the excitement in her eyes and the elevation of her tone. Does she sound like she’s describing a horrible event or her favorite ice cream? One woman even told me how she was flitting in and out of consciousness while the blows rained and she sounded like she was describing the best roller-coaster she had ever been on.

Whooping a bitch is convenient for some men, but for others hitting his woman feels like keying his own car just because it won’t start. It will make him feel better in the short run but it will not keep her from repeating the action. If anything, it will make her do it again because she is secretly getting off on it.

A different form of discipline is required. I suggest taking your rage out on her cervix because she won’t be able to give you grief if she’s walking around seeing butterflies and rainbows everywhere. You may want to hit her with some of those ‘pre-emptive strokes’ as well to keep her in a permanent state of dick-dizzy. This works because a dick-dizzy woman is the most pleasant thing in the world. Every time she is about to act up, she remembers what you did her ass the other night and calms all the way back down. This method only works if your digging stick can reach all the way to the back.

My fellow Kings, if dicking her down is not calming her uterus demons then you’ll either have to bring in a big-dicked professional or take the nuclear option and walk away. Walking away is the nuclear option because there is nothing you can do to hurt a woman more than taking away your love and attention. There is no punch, headbutt, or whipping you can deliver that will do more damage to your woman’s psyche than ignoring her. Bruises will heal but the open wound of being ostracized will never heal and she will do everything in her power to stay as far away from you as possible. You’ll lose the girl but you won’t have to spend a night in a cell or suffer the eternal label of “wife-beater”. She will also 100% use that incident against you when she decides to destroy you before moving on to the next fool she can control.

The problem with being a wife-beater is not that you would damage something so delicate as a woman, because we all know that there are times when she is literally asking for it, but that you reveal yourself as a man who cannot keep his cool under pressure and such man a is a liability in times of crisis. Doesn’t matter if she’s in your car, in your house, or if she’s carrying your spawn; just walk the fuck away. Run if you have to.

In completely unrelated news, I have been invited to Manchester United to deliver a talk entitled: “How to Handle Bitches Now that You Have Money”. We will be discussing hot topics such as How to Append Kinks Into Consent Forms, and How To Hide Your Assets in Crypto. Special Guest Appearance by Achraf Hakimi’s mum.

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