Manna Update: The Time Is Almost Here

in #manna7 years ago (edited)

The news we all have been waiting for is here.

Manna will launch the basic income sign up on Mannabase in the next couple days. The date they gave is February 10th. This will allow people to complete the sign up process and download their wallets if they so desire.

By the end of February, there will be a launch of the web based wallets. Also, we will start to see the distributions begin again. Once they start, the goal is to pay out WEEKLY.

In the Spring, they will also launch a small crowdfunding campaign to raise money to buy some assets which will help to back the currency.

By this summer, we are also going to see the targeted direct giving feature implemented in into Mannabase. This is a program designed whereby one can designate a certain percentage of his/her basic income to be immediately given to a host of different causes. For example, if you want 10% of your basic income to go to hurricane victims in Puerto Rico and 10% going to women suffering in the Middle East, that will automatically happen.

**for this reason, even if you do not need the money, it is a good idea to sign up so that you can assist with the "network" effect. You can give away all of the money if you do not need it.

Finally, the target is still the fall for the children's wallet program where kids are able to get money put into their wallets on a weekly basis but it will be locked by the blockchain until the age of 18. This will enable the children to have money upon reaching that age for whatever he or she desires. It is a way to give the next generation a head start in life.

An exciting aspect to this is the exponential pace of the sign ups. There are over 16,000 people who signed up with their email. This is up from 3,000 when they re-opened the sign up process towards the end of December. In the last week alone, there were 8,000 sign ups. So we are seeing exponential growth in this area.

After meeting with the 3 founders for a few hours, it only raised my view of what they seek to accomplish. This is not something that they are setting the bar low. They want millions upon millions of people to be changed by this currency. Their goal is to really become an impact as a world wide NGO. By giving the currency out, they hope to raise millions of people in those countries where poverty is so common.

With more than 3 billion people living on less than $2.50 per day, even a thousand or two a year can really help.

To receive the free basic income tokens you are entitled to and help end world wide poverty, please click the following:

Click For Manna Coins

In full disclosure this is a referral link


Do one need to pass KYC to sign up?

To get on the email list, no.

But to get the wallet and get the tokens, yes...they are using cell phones numbers for verification.

Cell phone is not a problem. But send-by-mail zip-code identification and official documents - can be. Poorest people who most in need can have none of these (

@taskmaster4450 one question. I registered in early Feb, one of my friends registered today. None of us got any emails even though after registration the page says email verification to happen in January. Do you know what's going on?

Yes it is delayed from January...they were running a couple weeks behind. The wallets, specifically making sure they were secure, was the culprit. From talking to one of the founders, we should see it up and running in the next couple days. He was hoping for it to be up by last night's event, but it is taking a couple days longer.

Ok, better be sure about the security aspects rather than rushing to meet deadlines

Thanks for that reply. I'm sure we were all wondering the same thing. So a couple of weeks more, and we'll all start seeing account confirmation emails coming in.

I would think the confirmation emails will be long before that. I would say in the next couple days you should see that....hopefully.

Great news. Thanks for the update!

While I like the idea, it annoys me that there are referrals and that you post a referral link. If you start out with 100x the amount of basic income than everyone else I feel like it kind of defeats the purpose don't you think? Also, how will this be different from SwiftDemand?

Swiftdemand is also centralized, which they claim is a good thing, but I fail to see what the point is. They could have started such a platform years ago. No, just seems like jumping on a coin bandwagon. I'll admit to certain things being easier when it's centralized but that's just not something I can put my trust into.

At least with a decentralized setup, we don't have one point of failure.

And about referrals. I'm going to be referring for sure. I am pretty excited about the concept of this coin.

Ok, makes sense for it to be decentralized instead of centralized, but what is happening with SwiftDemand is that the money doesn't really have true value. How will Manna get its value? Its said that it is a "traded token", but it is only on one exchange and has a marketcap of $500,000. If they start giving it away to everyone, I imagine that is going to drop pretty quick. Then it's all over.

Depends. Plenty of other tokens have a set amount of inflation. I'm not sure how this one is expected to bootstrap its value so that is a good question. It needs to build incentives for money to go into the system. My guess is that it would attract money from people wishing to donate to charities, since that appears to be the focus. But I don't know.

Or perhaps it has good enough properties as a standalone coin.

It is different from swiftdemand in that it is already a traded is already a blockchain of with 1M blocks, and there was already $400K distributed over a year and a half period.

As for the referrals, how would you like them to spread the word. And the bonus paid on referrals is only for one year on a direct sign up.....

So I take it you arent going to use your link to refer anyone to the program?

In my opinion, they don't need referrals because they are literally giving away free money. What worries me about referrals is that it means that everyone isn't on even footing. Referrals in this case undermine the idea of universal basic income. I understand that you are just trying to get the word out, but I disagree with the developers on this referral bonus promise.

Thanks for the update on Manna

Sounds like a good project . How will they decide to donate to which country , for which cause ?

Ultimately, they feel the platform could have an infinite amount of charities up there and people can decide who they give to.

Initially, I am going to presume, it will be organizations they partner with....and expand from there.

I imagine any charity that is interested in receiving help can contact them. They really spelled out how the possibilities are rather endless.

So cool that you can designate part of your income! That's perfect for people who are doing well already and will help them feel like they are making a difference :) exciting news

Are we allowed to post this on FB with the new FB rules? I already did once but would like to again

LOL I dont know @jakeybrown....I am not a facebook dude....

I dont think the rules applied to posts was advertising for cryptocurrencies that was being eliminated.

That was a test @taskmaster4450, you passed ;) I just think it's a cool project to share and have friends there that didn't join when I posted about steemit, maybe I'll do a quick post on it here too and steal your referrals so I can donate harder

Yeah. I was sharing my thoughts too with a friend on this manna coin and crypto in general.

I told him, it would take an "extra idea" for a particular crypto to stand out in the midst of tonnes and tonnes of crypto popping out daily.

Just how steem has incorporated social networking, I also feel that Manna coins would be a big shot with this "charity" initiative. It would be accepted by many and would also be affected by many. I like the idea tho. And coming from you @taskmaster4450, its worth the trial.

Thanks for sharing

You get free Manna, I get free Manna, we all get free Manna, you're like the Oprah of Manna, Task.
I love it when you share great news. Manna can change the world. Thanks again. 😎

I'm excited for it to start! 😃

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