Manna: Over 20K Approved For This Week's Distribution!!!

in #manna6 years ago

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Manna is experiencing some serious growth.

Last Thursday was the first distribution. In that one, there were over 11K people who received Manna tokens. We are now a little over a day away from the second distribution and I was told there are over 20K approved for this week.

That is amazing growth. Congratulations to everyone who used their referral codes to get friends and family to sign up. This is how we are going to all help reduce global poverty.

Some of you have questioned about the send/receive feature in the wallets. This is another area we are going to have to show some patience. Due to security concerns and firewall issues, the wallets are not open to sending money out of. The goal is to have it fully operational by the end of this month so the first few distributions will simply accrue.

The public wallet addresses will be released at that time also.

Finally, Manna received their approval from Steemit and, hopefully over the next few days, we will see that blog show up. They feel that STEEM is going to be an important part of their marketing in the future so let us all do our part to help make it a success once it is up and running.

As soon as I hear about their blog being up and running, I will post it.

To receive the free basic income tokens you are entitled to and help end world wide poverty, please click the following:

Click For Manna Coins

In full disclosure this is a referral link


I'm so happy for Manna. It seems like it, along with places like Steemit, are really working hard to create UBI and sources of income for everyone and really fix up world poverty. It's something magical that I thought I would never witness.

They really are working hard to bring everything they projected in their timeline to fruition.

Some patience is required since there is a lot to do...and many roles that need filling.

With a venture like this, the further along they proceed, the more hands of all different skills that are required.

Yes, lots of different people and skills will be required to fill the roles that are needed. I think this is really just the first steps in a very long movement.

Finished my sign up process thanks to you. I should get a payout this week. I am really looking forward to it.

It’s gonna be awesome when we can start donating to other who are in need. Once the price goes up this could make a huge difference in the world.

I defiantly think that, once the price goes up, Manna will start making a serious impact.

Thanks great that Manna will have an official blog here. I really feel like it has great potential and also it's great when others start taking notice of steemit and its potential as well. I have been a strong supporter of Manna after hearing about it from you and I thank you for that.

Thank you for writing about this, @taskmaster4450! More people need to hear about MANNA and sign up for their free weekly UBI subsidy.

I got my payout on March 1st and I’m looking forward to the next one tomorrow. It’s also my birthday tomorrow, so the timing is good! ;)

Happy birthday @oleg326756.

Get some to use your referral and make the birthday even better by getting some tokens from the referral pool.

Haha, so true! :D Thank you, @taskmaster4450!

I've been thinking about Manna lately and I feel like they are begging to be hacked in the future. They are using the same hashing algorithm as bitcoin and are paying miners peanuts. What is to stop a big Bitcoin miner from turning all their hash power to Manna for a 51% attack? Seems like a real possibility if Manna gains enough value.

Also, the foundation controls 10 billion coins and the website seems centralized as well. Sometimes I feel like Manna is doomed to be attacked if it gains too much value.

I sent a referral link to a coworker of mine who has relatives in Africa. Hopefully, they’ll sign up for manna, sounds like they could use it!

That would be exceptional. I hope that lots do sign up from there.

It is a region that Manna would really like to target with the initiatives they are putting together.

Getting people in third world areas to sign up is ideal.

I also noticed that the market cap for Manna exceeded $1 million USD tonight. At the moment it's below that again, but it was above it briefly.

Actually it is a lot higher than that because the number of tokens distributed on Coinmarket is wrong.

There were close to 500M issued under grantcoin which were converted over.

Overall, we are most likely looking at a marketcap of $10M.

If there are twice the number of people signed up, wouldn't that mean that either people are getting half the payout... or the money runs out twice as quickly? How is this project funded? I'm not saying I'm against getting money, but it has to come from somewhere. :)

The value of Manna as of tonight was double what it was last week, so it could work out to be the same total dollar value per person this week.

Manna is backed by a 501c3 nonprofit and also has over $60,000 from investors so far.

Doubling over a week isn't bad. I hope you make a ton of money off it. :)

Cryptocurrency, like any technology, comes from the network effect.

If two people have fax machines, while useful to them, it is not a very valuable technology. Yet when there are 1B fax machines, it is.

Same with this. When two people have a currency, it has little value. But as more people have it...and especially start using it...then you should see the value of the token increase.

No different than STEEM.

as more people have it...and especially start using it...then you should see the value of the token increase.

Cool, I hope it goes well! Thanks for the explanation.

How much I will get for each referral? And what will I have to do there? Will it be like as steemit or just a transaction site? Toughi have seen there it will be a social site

Great update. I am glad to be part of this.

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