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RE: Universal Basic Income and weekly cryptocurrency distribution from MannaBase!

in #manna6 years ago

I'm glad you posted this. I forgot about it this morning after all those crashes last night. Will be really interesting to see how this project turns out. I think UBI is inevitable (barring, of course, someone coming up with a better solution), its just a matter of figuring out how to implement it.


Yeah I worry it's fraught for potential abuses but I really like the concept.

Yeah, thats the tricky part. I honestly doubt they will suceed, but I'm hoping they can at least make it far enough where others can analyze the problems they couldn't solve. You dont want to get me on a UBI soapbox, but once again, I currently think its inevitable. "Necessity is the mother of invention" and what not.

I think it's an exciting idea, I think between initiatives like this and other ways to incentivize our daily behaviors using cryptos the days of slaving our lives away may be coming to an end.

Yep. As I said in the first post, I think its inevitable. On the one hand, most jobs are on the verge of being automated, making people slave away at them is simply not an option. On the other, from the ancient philosophers to the modern tech kids, most wealth generation comes from the leisure class, from those who can hold ambitions beyond the next bill date. Even if part of the population decides to sit in front of a tv (hell, we can put them to work curating) those finally freed up to go out and build shit and learn shit and experiment with shit will more than compensate.

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