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RE: Reddit Manipulation

Talking about unfairly things to freedom of speech, remember when spez edited multiple comments made by users just because he didn't like their political views?

Reddit stopped being the bastion of free speech they once claimed to be, now most of the main subs are sown right tyrannical where discerning views are download to oblivion or outright deleted without warnings by moderators drunk on power, not us though I swear :^)


oh right yeah, i remember the fuckspez comments :D

yeah it's only downhill from here for reddit unfortunately, i was an early adopter of it too but it didn't bring me any rewards :( i don't even have more voting power with my 100k karma like wtf :(

Reddit karma gives you the power to feel I don't know, warm feelings inside.

Just get your self Reddit Premium, gotta reward Reddit for the content you create, They don't gather as much personal data on you for it to be really profitable so help them out a bit by rewarding them with money the creators should be getting :^)

It definitely feels weird to go to websites with things like the Reddit karma system that only a visual thing, after having spent so much time on the Steem blockchain!

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