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RE: Level Up Your Life #ManifestChallenge # 12

I levelled up this week with some realisations and then instead of keeping some internal reactions to myself, I externalised, expressed it right away. Frank had reacted to something I said, for once he was having some sort of flashback, as opposed to me, but his reaction caused me to feel wrong. I started crying and expressed that I felt wrong. He took me in his arms and we talked about it. I didn't hold back and said that I felt like this because it was triggering feelings I had worked on in my EFT session and I knew I was going through something and I sort of analysed my thoughts and emotions while Frank held me and comforted me. Then we got back to talking about what we originally were talking about and we were both fine. Leveling up our relationship, so that our communication is better and better, and leveling up our expression of emotion.

Oh, and I took care of wiping counters, table and filling up the dishwasher right away, before dessert and then right after dessert, we had Frank's parents over and the kids were here too. I normally never take care of kitchen stuff right away, let alone be the one in charge in the kitchen. But it prompted the others to help a bit and I felt better because things weren't cluttered. My mother would be proud lol

It's all in the self-improvement, little things and bigger things. My main focus may be on emotional changes, but small things around the house will help with that too.


I love this story. As you improve one thing, you are prompted in a sort of domino effect to improve on others in your life :)

Thank you <3 This solidifies my prompts to declutter your outer reality :)

It does. And I mean, so many people I follow say the same thing, on YouTube, to declutter around you in order to declutter your mind.

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