Incredible Health Benefits Of Mangosteen Fruit

in #mangosteen6 years ago
The mangosteen fruit has recently experienced a resurgence in consumption nationwide due to the discovery of several health benefits that were previously unknown. For those who do not know, the mangosteen plant is a tropical fruit plant that originated in the south-eastern provinces of Asia. It produces a rough rind, soft skin, and a fruit portion which has the texture of an orange, but a unique, sweet taste.

Aside from being a delicious fruit, recent investigations have found that it also has many unique health benefits that can help the consumer in a variety of ways. Here we will explore three of the most prominent health benefits of eating the mangosteen fruit.

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Antioxidant Properties:

Like many tropical fruits, the mangosteen plant offers a wide variety of antioxidants for the consumer.
This plant acts as an antioxidant by removing free radicals from the cells of your body, decreasing the chance that they have to damage or mutate healthy cells.

While the direct link has not been established yet, it is believed that eliminating these free radicals can decrease the chance of developing certain types of cancers.

Increased Bloodflow:

Another one of the benefits of eating the mangosteen fruit is by increasing blood flow all over the body. The unique amino groups in the fruit function to dilate the blood vessels in the body, allowing for the passage of more red blood cells. As a result, the individual will be able to have decreased time for the healing of wounds as well as an increase in cardiovascular health.
This is one of the most important benefits that is being investigated by cardiologists to see if it can be used as a preventative method for heart attacks, or perhaps in the healing process from heart surgery.

Skin Care Using Mangosteen Fruit:

One of the most troubling healthcare issues throughout life is skin care. After all, it is subjected to the hardships of cuts, scrapes, and UV Radiation. Since mangosteen fruit is able to increase the blood flow throughout the body, it helps the skin heal more quickly from damage in the form of physical harm as well as that caused by sunlight. However, the benefits of the skin do not end there.

A salve comprised of some of the fruit and the rind of the fruit has powerful anti-bacterial components and can be applied directly to the face in order to relieve the pain, swelling, and presence of acne. This all-natural means of alleviating acne is wonderful for those who do not wish to spend the money on medicine or apply chemicals to their skin.

While these are just a few of the benefits of Mangosteen fruit, be assured that there are much more in the form of vitamins and digestive health. As time goes on, it appears that more and more uses for this wonderful fruit will be found and applied.

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