Manga Readings #1 Memesis

in #manga6 years ago

If I am not curating blog post. Most of the time I spend my free time reading some manga. My friends already know about this hobby and I even wrote a lot before.

For the record this post is not a review or something but this is to share only what I have read and why I am reading this stuff.

Up to this point I am still thinking on why Memesis is the title of this manga 😅. It should be Nemesis or something but anyhow here's a small gist of it.

The settings is like a medieval Europe wherein there are Monsters and 🗡🛡🏹.

In some series that I read, the main character is thecc hero but on this one the lead characters are the sidekick of Hero Leon, namely Ash and Kijira. The 3 folks are buddies for a long time, they battle and defeat high ranking demons throughout their journey but there's a problem.

Ash and Kijira are not girls. When opportunity arrived, and Leon saw 2 ladies capable of being on his party, he immediately dumped the 2 and went on a journey with the 2 bustful ladies 👯👰.

Disappointed at first and blaming themselves on what happened, after steeling their resolve they were able to move forward and with the the promise to themselves that they will make Leon regret his action Ash and Kijira went on a journey.

Is it easy for them?

Definitely not 😅 each time that they are facing demons, automatically they are disregarded and thinking as a small fry because they are not Leon. But speaking the forbidden name brings trouble to the demons because both of them are capable fighters. Ash is somehow specialized in magic while Kijira is specialized in swordsmanship. But both of them are really awesome in fighting.

Whenever they defeat a high ranking demon, the peace will return to the town. However, the credits were not given to them. Instead, it is always been given to Hero Leon 😅

How are they going to surpass the shadow of Leon then? Only by reading the series we will know.

As of the moment in chapter 13 in Mangarock (the app that I am using) they are battling a strong demon which is capable of absorbing the life force of a person and converting it to their powers.

If you are a fan of reading some adventure type manga this one can be a good time killer. 😅

The image uploaded was from my mobile device. Screenshot from MangaRock application.

Posted using Partiko Android

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