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RE: My manga was posted on Manga coin life!

in #manga6 years ago

Even Japanese people have very few people to know about the true history.
And Japanese are not interested in their own history…
Current Japanese politicians are descendants of Koreans who immigrated 150 years ago…The current Prime Minister of Japan is also its descendant.
That's why Japanese life is getting harder and harder.

Posted using Partiko Android


I agree, most Japanese aren't interested in the history of their country, They would rather sing " Come on baby Amremica..... USA

I think Abe has no real say in a lot and he is only doing what the " partnership" suggest for protection. I think Japan is "buying " a lot of weapons and tech from the " partnership" because of the Olympics.

Yeah! Really your right!
Most Japanese abandon their culture and history and worship the America.
Of course I also like America and I think it's a wonderful country, On steemit also has a wonderful American friend.
But Japanese are do not ignore myself country😠

Yes, You are right about that as well.
Abe is just a Trump's dog. Abe will buy anything for his weapons.
Abe completely destroys the Japanese economy at the Olympic Games, He will take away all the money from the Japanese😧

Posted using Partiko Android

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