

By the way it's not good idea to write:

follow and upvote me to, will do the same to.

on people's post... you see.. in this website everyone has different voting power. so asking for upvote exchange is like telling someone "give me $1 I'll give you $0.1" so unless you have a very big SP (steem power, and anyone can check what you have by seeing your wallet page) then posting this comment is worse than begging for free money.

Also the number of times someone can upvote on steemit in 24 hours is limited... for me I can only do 10 upvotes (most new members are like this). anymore than that I'll lose voting power and will take from the votes of the next day.

I know you mean good but there are a lot of scammers that most people here became unwilling to upvote.

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