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RE: Move Over Flat-Earth-Conspiracy A New Mass Delusion Is In Town: "The Mandela Effect"

in #mandelaeffect7 years ago

"Life is like a box of chocolates"

I was the manager of a movie theater at the time this came out. This is the correct quote.

Jane Goodall wasn't killed by apes.
But, there was another woman scientist who was killed by villagers and the movie Gorillas in the Mist portrays that, with the lesser known scientist, Dian Fossey

Berenstain Bears vs Berenstein is probably the biggest one, because it apparently depends on where you grew up.

And the Mandela Effect was around before the The Large Hadron Collider....or is that part of what happened?


Tricking the human memory is extremely simple - and this also on a mass level. All you need it is a tiny little confusion and the brains fill the gap on their own. Personally, I was baffled by the VW logo. This is kind of scary. It shows how much you can fool society when you have the means to reach everyone.

Simple enough. Old VW logos just got dirty or warn so that you wouldn't see the line.
Or fake ones were too lazy to make the line.

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