Man Crush Monday - Fun Time With Gee1


It's Monday....

Yeah right, the start of the week for workaholics like me, lol

And a time to crush....Yes crush on a guy....

Oh gosh, please allow me to crush this crush oo🙈🙈🙈

So, my Man Crush Monday today goes to none other than....

(Photo Source: @surpassinggoogle's Facebook timeline)

Yeah....yo heard....

Lol, @surpassinggoogle is my Man Crush Monday this week o....

I know a lotta people are crushing on this guy o...

You are free, as this is an Open Source Crushing


There's just so much to love about @surpassinggoogle that I don't even know where to start from.

I guess you'll even attest to all of the things I have to say about him self but I still

He Is A Philanthropist

Not many has the kind of heart that he does. He is all about the welfare of others, seeking and thriving to make others happy. A good number of persons would have benefited from his philanthropic deeds and I am definitely not left out.

He Is A Supporter

So, I already mentioned that he is a philanthropist yeah? He is also a supporter, willing to support everyone at any given capacity. With his @teardrops initiative, he has been able to put smiles on the faces of many, including mine.

He Is Down To Earth And Receptive

Have you ever come across some people who feel because they have made it, should have nothing to do with you?
Well, the reverse is the case with @surpassinggoogle as he is very receptive when it comes to interacting with him.
I still wonder how he takes time out to respond to people despite the fact that he is always busy.

He Is Strong

Talking about strength, this is one guy I know who doesn't seem to tire out. When you think he should be busy and needs to relax due to the excess work load, he springs up again and is out to take action.
Sometimes, I wonder if he has a different kind of strength though as he never seems to wear out.

Sincerely, there's more to say about this man but I cannot say it all, the comment section is free and very much open to air your views about him.

Dear @surpassinggoogle, you've been a light and a source of inspiration and hope to many.
You've brought smiles to the faces of many and I cannot but thank you enough for your good deeds....

I may not have much or even any to give, but please allow me to crush on you today.

Jehovah bless and reward you bountifully for everything you've done.


Don't forget that I love you like

Don't forget to vote for him as witness #steemgigs
Also, do join us on the SteemGigs steem-based website here. You know; "everyone has something to offer!"
Stay awesome!


I am here for support, see you on the top

Thanks always....for being supportive.

I appreciate.
See you on the top

We win only together


See who we have here @surpassinggoogle. All you said about him is true.

Thanks for participating in #mancrushmonday and congratulations you will be getting a freebie exactly a week from today.

Well penned
Indeed!!!all what afore listed are characteristics of this legend and humble man named sir Alex

That so cool he remains a great man though ..... He's worthy of emulations great mancrush you have today.

Smiles....I know right

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