in #manchester7 years ago (edited)

Hi once again Steemers

Regarding the Manchester Bombing and many others there seems to be a plethora of post and youtubes that come out regarding False Flag event soon after, so I thought I would post a brief decription of what the heck a false flag is to try to stop the confusion. Here is the official decription. Which is from Wikipedia.

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that activities appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

Historically, the term "false flag" has its origins in naval warfare where the use of a flag other than the belligerent's true battle flag before (but not while) engaging the enemy has long been accepted as a permissible ruse de guerre; by contrast, flying a false flag while engaging the enemy constitutes perfidy.
Operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, can (by extension) also be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation. End of Wikipedia

Now as you can see it does not imply that nothing has happened but just an intentional diversion away from the true perpetrator, mainly for political purpose.

No one is saying that nobody got hurt or killed, this is real and many suffer unfortunately.

Is it time to stand up for humanity against the totally foreign force, and I am not refering to other nations.

Once again your comments are appreciated.



it is a tradgety and I hope that the authorities that be are not trying to commit false flag attacks. I worry that they are distracting us from some other issue that we are not paying any attention too.

Like Syria has that been resolved or the trouble brewing in North Korea or the increased attention being paid to Donald Trump's firing of James Comey.

what is really going on.

Your onto it williebeaman, they distract everyone....its a old slight of hand trick, look over here mean while they are shoving a big cucumber up your ass.
Followed and upvoted amigo
Hope its a boomerang

right back at you buddy. I feel that if you are onto this Steem vibe or understanding how huge this Cryptocurrency space will mean in the future from decentralised banking control you already have the taken the red pill and are unplugging from this zombie matrix.

Thank you amigo, your kind words mean a lot to me. Its nice to build a like minded community such as yourself.
Followed and upvoted

done and done

Great clarification here, seems like people get confused about the nobody getting hurt and staged part of false flags. No way to know for sure but there seems to be a lot of deflecting going on. Without a question heartbreaking super sad day for Manchester and the world.

Agreed, thanks for weighing in....
Followed and upvoted

The videos, no one looked worried, it just looked like panic could easily be sold and everyone ran. Seemed staged. But what Do i know. I am an idiot on a side of a mountain!

Your far from an idiot amigo, you have eyes that see.

thank you for your kind words and support. We are following you too!

Rothschild's Cabal behind this. They run the UK not the government.

Yes the Rothschild have been in my studies for over 25 years now, and I at this point in the game and what I know believe they are not on top but maybe the fish bait.

We are the Light, we will win.

I believe so too, thanks for weighing in.

The BLOWN away pants kinda suggests a photo operation
![pants blown off.jpeg]
We all know how quick and efficient the government paid workers are late on a MONDAY night.
Let's not forget moving pieces into place for martial law.

BREAKING: Operation Tempora Activated In UK – Full Military Deployment On The Streets – Threat Level- Highest – Imminent Attack Is Highly Likely

by IWB · Published May 23, 2017 · Updated May 23, 2017


bilbeny Mario Valle Reyes tweeted @ 23 May 2017 - 20:46 UTC

"#OperationTempura is now on force". Damas y Caballeros, el futuro distópico de policía militarizada comienza hoy,… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

No one is saying that nobody got hurt or killed, this is real and many suffer unfortunately.

Actually, I've heard that nobody was really hurt in, for example, the Nice France attack. People claim that the victims of the Columbine shooting are alive and well. Every time there is a terrorist attack, it seems that someone is saying that it is totally fake, that there are actors involved, and that nobody was really hurt.

Personally, even going by your definition of false flag, I don't buy it that false flags are so common.

The beauty of the internet is everyone can have a say, which is great....your opinion is respected.
I to have read many Sandy Hook article claiming the same, such as actors and many photos of the children grown up to support their claims.
I believe it is important to realise there is as much to gain by tainting the truth, mixing truth with lies.
I think but am not possitive that the intentions of TPTB as they are called have a lot to gain by pure and sheer confusion so as the puplic do not know which way to turn, ultimately giving in to the control mechanism.
Thanks for weighing in with your insighful comment, it is truly appreciated.

Freedom of speech is important. I'd rather have all the wacky shit in the universe out there than to have only state-run media. Still, someone has to call BS on some of it. Truth is important too.

Too right amigo, thanks for weighing in I truly enjoy and appreciate these rather remarkably informative posts, I am getting a renewed faith in humanity.

Yes this incident was tragic, albeit I am not convinced yet this was a tragic event. It seems to be a extremely bogus false flag but to add on to what another commenter mentioned; everything we see happening right now IS a distraction from the main stage. The collapse of the global economy and more importantly the US. You're being distracted from the fact that the dollar is being removed as the world reserve currency. The shift has begun and countries are dumping their treasuries in favor of using gold, yuans and rubles..Now I'm not Trump fan or supporter - I believe the people need to take control of their own lives. However looking at some of his moves I believe he is preparing the US for the collapse. Setting up deals with China (signing in to their silk road initiative, energy trade deals and lifting beef embargos). You have Janet Yellen now saying they will raise rates this summer knowing full well what raising rates will do. The "attack" in Manchester smells very funny to me and comes after Kim Dotcom announces he has evidence that Seth Rich was the DNC leaker.....all very suspect..

Once again amigo well said, and 100% agreed personaly I am not to sure about the Trumpmister but happy to be wrong. He has promised to much and delivered little, call me a skeptic but thats how I see it.
Anycase its not about my view only I do believe that together we will all awaken from this slumber. I feel what is leading us down this slippery slope is from a higher intelligence that we, not to get into to much woawoa but as I have said before it only take a few lions to hunt down thousands of wilderbeast.

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